The Crypto Marketer's Guide to Writing Attention-Grabbing Press Releases

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In an era where NFT billboards bloom across Times Square and crypto brands fork out millions of dollars for Super Bowl ads, who has time for humble press releases anymore? Well, while hopping on trends and staying innovative matters, you may want to reconsider overlooking these old-school PR plays.

Yes, even in the explosive crypto space overflowing with next-gen branding tools, press releases remain for building trust and credibility. However, given the fast-paced and dynamic nature of the crypto world, modern crypto projects are always going to demand modern press release strategies.

So whether you just launched an NFT collection, your algorithmic stablecoin hit a milestone, or your DAO wants to rally the community, this guide is going to share some top tips on how to craft crypto press releases that grab attention and spark the attention of industry journalists.

Hook Them with the Headline

Your press release headline is prime real estate. Just like writing killer blog post titles, you want it to create intrigue and urge readers to dive in. This is especially true in the crypto sector, where attention spans rival those of goldfish.

With this in mind, stay away from boring, generic headlines like "Crypto Company Releases Quarterly Report." This is going to get journalists excited unless you are already a huge established player.

Instead, highlight your most exciting news or stat upfront. For example, if your NFT drops sold out in 5 minutes, lead with:

"New NFT Marketplace Sees $5 Million in Sales Just 3 Days After Launch."

That will get attention and paint a story they want to read more about. Use gripping adjectives and active language for maximum impact.

Lead with the Real Benefits

The opening paragraph is your chance to sell them on why they should keep reading. UYou need to summarize your announcement and tell the reader on why they should care—specifically within the lens of the broader crypto ecosystem and community.

Don't just focus on what this news means for your project or company's bottom line.

Really zone in on highlighting the real-world utility this brings for crypto users, the access or financial gains it unlocks, the way it furthers decentralization and bridges web2 and web3, the added security benefits—whatever applies. Back this up with facts, figures, expert commentary or evidence.

Journalists tune out generic corporate speak about innovation or being "pioneers." Make a case for why your milestone matters to the average crypto fan, investor or miner. This differentiated angle and proof is what piques journalist interest and signals newsworthiness.

Quote Key Crypto Figures for Validity

Want to earn instant credibility or brownie points? Include quotes or reactions from well-known crypto founders, developers, economists, academics, or investors cheering your project's achievement. Their credibility lends validity.

For example, perhaps the co-founder of a leading DeFi platform comments how your new stability mechanisms are a "game-changer" for mass adoption of stablecoins across decentralized finance. Or the lead investor from a top crypto VC firm praises how your layer-2 milestone unlocks "vastly improved scalability and environmental sustainability."

Experts' public co-signs signal that important players in crypto are tracking your technology and see its significance. And journalists love outside voices confirming legitimacy. Just remember to choose your name drops wisely.

Sprinkle in Founder Stories

While crypto press releases generally major on cold, hard facts and statistics to convey your legitimacy and milestones, don't be afraid to sprinkle in some founder personality and stories when appropriate. Dish out just enough vulnerability about the humans behind the faces of your crypto brand.

Revealing personal tales of adversity overcome, strokes of fortune, or perseverance in perfecting a complex protocol helps to create emotional bonds with readers—making them root for your project's success amid so much competition. And we all know how important community is in the Web3 space.

Maybe touch upon how co-founders met at a conference years ago and dreamed up solving a pressing problem over late-night beers, brainstorming sessions that led to their unique algorithmic solution, or key mentors who came alongside the relentless grind.

Of course, these are all just placeholder examples, but startup founder stories like this help to humanize sterile corporate announcements to build connections with your brand's identity. Just don't go overboard so that it undermines the core message that you are trying to put out with your release.

Final Word

In the high-speed crypto news cycle filled with hourly headlines, hype cycles, and flavor-of-the-day projects, following these press release strategies can help your news grab attention amongst the noise. With that said, you still need to make sure you cover all of the press release fundamentals, but just remember that there is definitely room to give things a Web3 twist where appropriate.

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