Watch Rob Gronkowski Read His Own Erotic Fanfiction

Fanfiction is one of those products on the Internet that everyone seems to know about, but tries to forget. While there are surely some decent fanfiction writers out there somewhere, there's a reason why so many people avoid fanfiction like the plague. It's typically terrible, and it only gets worse when authors make an attempt to get...naughty, for lack of a better word.

Of course, all of this is only amplified when fanfiction makes the jump from fictional characters to real people. Anything involving celebrities usually feels like a stalker wrote it, and again - when erotica gets involved, everything goes downhill even faster.

So, what happens when the subject of said erotic fanfiction reads the story he stars in? For Rob Gronkowski, the tight end for the New England Patriots, it gets weird very quickly:

Before you ask, yes: A Gronking to Remember is a real book, available for purchase right now from Amazon. Why someone would go through so much just to write a book about Gronk in the shower is anyone's guess, but at the very least, it does actually exist.

Despite the subject matter, Gronk doesn't do a bad job of narrating. Yes, it's from a pants-less woman's point of view, and Gronk obviously gets tripped up over the weirder parts, but he's got a decent enough voice...let's just hope this is the last time he ever has to read something like this.

Oh, and the fireplace, the table, the comfy armchair - it was a nice attempt to shift the mood to something a bit more relaxed. That being said, whenever celebrity-based erotic fanfiction is being read out loud, the mood immediately shifts to 'extremely uncomfortable,' regardless of comfy armchairs and mood lighting.

If anything, Gronk has some truly 'dedicated' fans...

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