In the world of subscriptions, Apple News+ is seeing stellar growth and popularity, and this begs the question of whether it is better than subscribing individually to news agencies and their paywalled content. 

The renowned news subscription platform from Cupertino was recently analyzed and confirmed with renowned news agencies and publishers in today's market. 

The recent study initially tackled what users do with their old iPads, but this time, it focused on News+'s service's impact on those looking for full access to certain papers or journals on the web.

Is Apple News+ Better Than News Agencies? CIRP Answers

CIRP's latest study on the Apple News+ subscription platform saw massive growth, highlighting its fourfold subscription rate. Apple's previous quarters say just as much, and while the company did not reveal a breakdown of its Subscriptions, it attributed a 14.2 percent year-over-year overall rise for these services, including News+.

Apple News+ Subscription

(Photo : Apple)

News+ has offered users a way to access paid journals, magazines, and newspapers all under one service and subscription, with the latest available on Apple devices. 

Apple News+ is available for a monthly subscription of $12.99 for the individual subscription, but it is also available to purchase as part of the Apple One subscription for $25.99 per month.

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Apple News+ vs. News Agencies, Publishers Subscription

In CIRP's report, Apple News+ rose from 15 percent to 24 percent in the United States from 2020 to 2024, while other news agencies, including The New York Times and Washington Post, only saw a 2 percent growth in these four years. 

On the other hand, The Wall Street Journal saw a slightly higher subscription rate increase to 3 percent in the same period.

Apple News+: What Will You Get on The Service?

Apple's subscription-based services have been popular for many years, including the news aggregator app  News+, available on the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and more. This renowned app is also known for offering a way to customize the alerts and notifications received from its updates, especially for important updates and information.

The Cupertino giant has also designed the News app to give users an intuitive experience apart from its iconic interface, which brings the latest news and current affairs from different parts of the globe. The app also offers suggestions for users that deliver the "full" Apple News experience, with the algorithm determining more information that could be beneficial for a user.

Instead of opting for subscriptions in each news agency or publisher's platform, Apple News+ offers it under one experience, with a monthly subscription required. Whether purchasing it as a standalone service or via the Apple One subscription, the News+ experience offers more than what is in store for users in the world of information, seeing massive growth over individual agencies. 

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Isaiah Richard

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