SpaceX Direct-to-Cell Service Video Call Demo Successful—What’s Next?

SpaceX and T-Mobile's service will soon go live.

The touted Direct-to-Cell service from SpaceX's Starlink and T-Mobile successfully demonstrated its first video call feat, following its massive work towards making this experience a reality for all.

Initially announced last year, SpaceX and T-Mobile's satellite connection service for phones also introduced partnerships with other countries' telcos, offering massive coverage worldwide.

In this service, SpaceX will directly deliver satellite internet and cellular connections to smartphones, no longer requiring hardware like those installed at homes or offices.

SpaceX Direct-to-Cell Service Video Call Demo a Success

Elon Musk
Michael Gonzalez/Getty Images

Elon Musk's various companies have made it possible to deliver the first-ever video call demonstration via X using SpaceX's Starlink 'Direct to Cell' service on the planet.

In a video posted by SpaceX, the company shared the feat showing the live use of Starlink's satellite internet to deliver the capability to use the internet and call via the X platform.

The company claimed that they used "unmodified mobile phones" with this test, meaning that regular devices can connect to the service as long as they are on the right telco.

Previously, Starlink's satellite internet could only be connected using a modem that transmits the WiFi signal alongside a dish receiver to which the company's satellites from the low-Earth orbit beam the connection.

What's Next for SpaceX and T-Mobile's Direct to Cell?

Starlink Direct to Cell

In the company's post, SpaceX announced that its Direct-to-Cell service with T-Mobile is going live "later this year," this means that the US will soon experience it on their smartphones, no matter what brand or make.

However, it was not revealed if users need to be subscribed to either Starlink or T-Mobile to get the service or have any add-ons to their existing subscription.

Satellite Internet Direct to the Smartphone

For many years, Elon Musk teased the idea behind a smartphone directly accessing or connecting to satellite internet that requires no other hardware to be eligible.

However, in October 2023, the company made it official and announced the Direct-to-Cell service that Starlink will soon get. In the US, its partner is T-Mobile, and other countries are also getting the famed access.

Many other companies have revealed their take on satellite internet and cellular connections coming to smartphones, including startups and other renowned tech companies.

One is from Texas, and it is called AST SpaceMobile, which previously boasted of transmitting 4G signals from space directly to mobile devices.

That being said, Starlink is known for its massive infrastructure, which it built on low-Earth orbit to deliver satellite internet and is now transcending to direct smartphone connectivity to bring the experience.

Coming later this year from SpaceX and T-Mobile for the US, users no longer need to rely on terrestrial connections for cellular and internet access as Direct to Cell is set to go live.

Isaiah Richard
Tech Times
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