Top Lawyer Russell Nicolet Dedicated to Helping Injured Victims

Russell Nicolet
Russell Nicolet, Founder of Nicolet Law Nicolet Law

When you have experienced the trauma and misfortune that accompanies injury unnaturally thrust into your life, trust can be a hard thing to give. Those who are suffering from serious, complex injuries that are the result of a vehicle crash, workplace accident, or fall need a professional lawyer who is knowledgeable and skilled in helping you navigate this difficult time while restoring your peace of mind is invaluable. Dedicated to protecting injury victims and their families during and beyond such challenging times is Russell Nicolet, founder of Nicolet Law.

Breaking a generational history, Russell was the first in his family to go to law school and successfully become a lawyer. Finishing law school is no easy feat, and Russell entered the educational game without knowing entirely what to expect or how to make it work-but he just went for it. This dedication to chasing his dreams continued when this highly established lawyer started his own law office.

Law school and founding Nicolet Law had Russell face obstacles that he was able to overcome by continuously staying in the game, gathering more knowledge, and improving his skills with each new opportunity. Finding mentors early in the legal profession proved beneficial for Russell, as did the many hours he spent as a young attorney doing research in the Washington County Law Library. Through his research, Russell's passion as a lifelong legal learner positioned him to better handle cases for clients effectively despite being a brand new attorney.

Recognizing that there are many well-established and skilled attorneys in the game, Russell spent as much time as he could soaking up the wealth of knowledge that surrounded him. Whether he joined forces or faced off with an attorney, this award-winning lawyer took every experience as a learning moment. Despite his path crossing many different practices, it was injury work that Russell felt most passionate about.

Unfortunately, the pool of injury lawyers Russell could learn from was smaller than he desired. Realizing he needed to expand his knowledge in injury law, Russell started learning and training with some of the best injury law attorneys in the world by crossing the borders of Wisconsin and Minnesota. Russell has listened to, watched, and trained with well-accomplished lawyers in Florida, Georgia, New York, and California.

In 2007, Russell started his own law firm, Nicolet Law, which consisted of a small, one-room office in Hudson, Wisconsin. Bringing his dedication to helping individuals and families traverse difficult legal issues, this one-person law office started with the goal of helping others. This goal is still at the root of Nicolet Law.

This law firm has now expanded into three states, shifting from a one-man band to an orchestra of top-notch attorneys who come in day after day to fight for the hard-working people and families in the Midwest who need their help. Those at Nicolet Law's motivation extends beyond just a job but is a calling to help, serve, and stand up for those who need it most.

While Russell has been honored with numerous awards, his most notable career highlight has been the results of the great people he has had the honor to represent. Russel remarked where he believes his success comes from: "I think becoming obsessed with getting clients' problems solved and wanting to get better was what really made a difference for me."

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