When your remote control stops working or your child's favorite toy no longer functions, you might wonder if the batteries are dead or the device is broken.

Fortunately, there's a simple and effective test to determine the charge state of your batteries, which can prevent unnecessary replacements and save you money.

Simple Battery Charge Test

Battery Hacks: How to Quickly Test and Extend the Life of Your Batteries
(Photo: danilo.alvesd from Unsplash) Your device's batteries are no longer working. However, there's a quick way to prolong their lifespan, thus saving you money. Here's how.

To perform this easy battery test, you only need the battery in question and, if possible, a new, fully charged battery for comparison. Follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a Flat Surface: Ensure you have a flat, firm surface like a table.
  2. Drop the Battery: Hold the battery vertically and drop it from about 20 centimeters (roughly 8 inches).
  3. Observe the Behavior: Watch how the battery behaves upon impact. A fully charged battery usually tips over and stays put, while an empty battery bounces back and up a few centimeters.

Related Article: Understanding Your iPhone 15's Battery Health: How to Check and Why It's Important

Why This Works

Alkaline batteries contain a gel-like substance that absorbs impact when fully charged, keeping the battery stable. As the battery discharges, this substance dries out and hardens, causing the battery to bounce when dropped.

Tips to Extend Battery Life

To maximize the lifespan of your batteries and ensure optimal performance, follow these four tips:

Switch Off Devices Properly

Always turn off devices completely when not in use. Even in standby mode, some devices consume energy, which can drain the batteries unnecessarily.

Remove Batteries During Extended Periods of Non-Use

Remove the batteries if you won't be using a device for a long time. This prevents energy loss and protects against potential battery leakage, which could damage the device.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Store batteries in a cool, dry place. Exposure to high or low temperatures can disrupt the chemical processes within the batteries, shortening their lifespan.

Use Batteries of the Same Type

Avoid mixing old and new batteries in the same device, and do not combine different types (such as alkaline and NiMH). Mixing batteries can lead to varying voltage levels and discharge rates, reducing the performance and lifespan of all the batteries used.

Implement these simple strategies to keep your devices running longer and maximize your battery investments. 

For those with iPhones, these iOS settings could boost your smartphone's battery. Soon enough, you will see a big difference in your device, especially if you want to preserve its battery for a more extended period.

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Joseph Henry

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