Profit Singularity Breakthrough — Chris Reader
Profit Singularity Breakthrough — Chris Reader

The pandemic changed our relationship with work. It allowed us to work from home. It showed us a world of tasks that can be accomplished online. (All those meetings...turns out they work just as well on Zoom!) And it gave people time to rethink their lives and priorities.

With this rethinking came a mass exodus from the traditional workforce. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, roughly 47.8 million people quit their jobs in 2021, and 50.5 million followed suit in 2022. People imagined possibilities beyond the 9 to 5 and made the decision to pursue more money and flexibility.

Like these people, you might be sick of missing your kids' school programs and soccer games because you are stuck at the office. You might be tired of lining your boss's pockets. And you might be ready to stop pushing off the dreams and goals you never have time to accomplish. If this resonates with you, you might be ready to build your own business from home.

The Perks of a Home-Based Business:

Here's what there is to love when you become your own boss from the comfort of home:

  • Not having to answer to anyone but yourself
  • The potential for higher earnings
  • Better work-life harmony
  • More flexibility (work when you want)
  • Less time wasted commuting
  • Location independence (live and travel where you want without losing work income)

Is Entrepreneurship for You?

Of course, not everyone is cut out to be a work-from-home entrepreneur. It takes these qualities:

  • Desire. You gotta wanna! If you want this life bad enough, you'll make it happen. If you're lukewarm, your success will be, too.
  • Work ethic. We're not talking about working around the clock. That's what you're trying to get away from. But you do need to be willing to stick to something and give it your full effort.
  • Resourcefulness. Anyone can take orders, but if you're good at finding new and better ways to do things, you'll be a good fit for work-from-home entrepreneurship.
  • Drive. If you like a boss or manager telling you what to do, you're well-suited to work for someone. But if you can trust yourself to stay on task and work without oversight, you'll likely be happier as your own boss.
  • Willingness to learn new things and adapt. If you like the safety and routine of rigid processes, entrepreneurship may be out of your comfort zone. Entrepreneurship requires risk-taking, adaptability, and an open mind.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

If you like the idea of being your own boss and want to make more money, Chris Reader comments that affiliate marketing is a great option. It's extremely flexible, and with the right systems in place, it can be very lucrative without taking a lot of time.

With affiliate marketing, you search for products that people are selling, then promote those products and earn a part of the profit. There are a lot of ways to do affiliate marketing online, such as through email campaigns, YouTube videos, Facebook ads, landing pages, and more.

Is Affiliate Marketing for Me?

If you've never done affiliate marketing, you might find yourself wanting to sit down with someone who knows the ins and outs of the industry. That way, you can tell if it will be a good fit for your goals and lifestyle. We're offering you the next best thing with an interview with super affiliate Chris Reader.

It wasn't long ago that Chris was working as a dishwasher. He decided to step away from the daily grind and be his own boss as an affiliate marketer. It didn't take long for him to become a "super affiliate," which is someone who earns more than $10,000 per day in commissions. In fact, in his 20s and with no formal training in affiliate marketing, Chris was bringing in $40,000 on some days. Within just a few years, he was making eight figures and paying his knowledge forward through a popular course called Profit Singularity.

Does It Take a Long Time to Master Affiliate Marketing?

Chris: If you can start with a good course, it will jump-start your performance. This doesn't have to take long. For example, my Profit Singularity program students are ready to hit the ground running in a matter of weeks.

You can also learn affiliate marketing on your own by analyzing and replicating successful campaigns or simply creating campaigns, testing them, and tweaking them for optimal results. However, a good course will help you learn tried-and-true methods faster. 

I Have Never Created Ads or Videos Before. Do I Have a Shot at This?

Chris: Yes! And now is a great time to get started. Technology like AI is leveling the playing field for affiliate marketing novices. You can use AI to assist with video scripts, ad copy, and more. If you're aligned with a course or mastermind, you can also tap into templates from proven ad campaigns.

One woman in my Profit Singularity program went from managing a restaurant and bartending to making $250,000 within three months of starting affiliate marketing. You don't have to have a long history. With the right tools, you can catch up with the gray beards in the field in a hurry. 

Isn't Affiliate Marketing Really Competitive?

Chris: It is in some niches, but there's plenty of space that's still untapped. You just have to know how to find it. For example, there are some corners of YouTube that are yielding tremendous returns. A good course or mastermind should be able to point you to affiliate marketing opportunities with less competition. 

What Kind of Money Can I Expect to Make?

Chris: It's not uncommon for affiliate marketers to make $1,000 to $2,000 per day. And if you know what you're doing, it's possible to edge up to $10,000 or more on some days.

The great thing about affiliate marketing is that it's easy to scale. With a traditional company, when you're ready to grow, you have to hire more people, rent more space, and grow your inventory. With affiliate marketing, when you create a winning campaign, you simply pump it up with more money and let the profits flow in. There's no extra hassle.

You'll want some guidance from an experienced affiliate marketer to make sure you're going after the right products. Otherwise, you could find yourself balancing dozens of low-ticket campaigns. The trick is to hone in on one or two high-ticket offers. 

How Many Hours Per Day Do I Need to Work?

Chris: Nobody leaves their 9 to 5 job because they want to work more! Affiliate marketing is all about working smarter, not harder. If you're working with high-ticket offers, you can work less to make the same amount of money. For example, one of the students of my Profit Singularity course went from managing 30 campaigns to managing just a few. Focusing on high ticket offers allowed him to work just a couple of hours per day and regularly make $20,000 per week.

If you feel like you're reinventing the wheel with every new campaign, then you're doing affiliate marketing wrong. You want to leverage templates, AI, and the expertise of others to shortcut the process. That's the secret to earning more in less time with affiliate marketing.

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