Apple's latest emulator is here, and it is called RetroArch. However, this may be the only iOS emulation app you need as it offers various gaming console platforms to experience.
It offers gamers a way to play GBA, PSP, PlayStation, Nintendo DS, SNES, and more all in one app, a familiar one as it was previously available on Windows and Mac desktops.
RetroArch is Here, The All-In-One iOS Emulator

is the iPhone and iPad's latest gaming emulator. It arrived a month after the first emulators. It offers massive experiences that go beyond what others provide.
It is nearly an all-in-one emulator as it offers a wide variety of console emulation experiences from various companies like Nintendo, Sony, Sega, and Atari.
Massive features include save and load states, fast forward, cheat codes, game artwork, rewind, custom overlays, MFi controller support, AI translations, latency management, key remapping, netplay, and more.
It is a free-to-download app that promises to be ad-free. It is designed to be a cross-platform emulator for the iPhone and iPad, with roots in PC and Mac.
Enjoy GBA, DS, PSP, and More on RetroArch
Various gaming systems are available to enjoy on RetroArch, including Nintendo's Game Boy (Color and Advance), DS, NES, SNES, Virtual Boy, and N64, and Sony's PlayStation and PSP.
On the other hand, it also offers the Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, and Lynx experiences alongside Commodore's various consoles, with Sega's Genesis, Saturn, and MS. The list goes on from RetroArch's variety of available retro experiences.
Apple's App Store Emulator Experience
There was a massive buzz when there were talks about the Apple App Store opening its platform for gaming emulator developers to submit their apps for publishing, provided they met its standards and guidelines.
This turned into a reality last April when Apple formally announced that it is now accepting retro game emulators, and it was rolled out worldwide.
This availability started with the beloved Nintendo portable gaming console, Game Boy, as emulators for the renowned pocket-sized device were among the first to apply and arrive at the App Store.
There were massive expectations that Riley Testut's GBA4iOS platform would arrive, but this was not the case, as the same developer released a better app called Delta.
Delta offered a way to play both GBA and DS games, but there were more retro consoles to make available via an emulator app, with the next one offering a PlayStation 1 experience.
However, there are still other consoles to consider, like the wide variety of Nintendo's handheld and tabletop gaming devices, Sega consoles, and others from Sony, with RetroArch having an answer for everything.
Related Article: Gamma PS1 Emulator: iPhone's Latest Retro Game Platform Delivers Classic PlayStation Experience