LinkedIn Co-Founder Reid Hoffman Interviews His Extremely Human-like AI Clone

The concept of "talking to yourself" has gone too far.

The concept of "talking to yourself" has gone too far. This time one could literally do it with AI.

Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, engaged in a video interview with an interactive AI avatar modeled on his own knowledge, voice, and mannerisms. The outcome, although edited, presents a surprisingly convincing replication of human nuances.

Notably, the AI clone's body language appeared remarkably responsive and engaged in the interview. It exhibited active listening cues, playfulness, and synchronization with Hoffman's speech patterns-nodding, smiling, and shrugging in sync with the real-world version.

"Since AI avatars will most certainly make a lot of people uncomfortable, I wanted to test what is possible and positive from this application of the technology. I think these avatars, when built thoughtfully, have the potential to act as mirrors to ourselves-ones that reflect back our own ideas and personality to examine and consider," Hoffman said in an official statement.

Hoffman Experiments with AI and Gets a Clone

Hoffman emphasized the value of experimenting with AI tools, advocating for regular engagement with technologies like ChatGPT, Pi, DALL·E, and Midjourney.

He shared his experiences co-authoring his book "Impromptu" with GPT-4, integrating AI chatbots into Fireside Chats, and leveraging AI on his podcast "Possible" to enrich discussions.

The AI-generated replica of himself represented his latest experiment, driven by curiosity rather than a desire to duplicate his persona. Hoffman sought to explore how interacting with a digital twin could reshape his thinking, spur new expressions, and foster novel connections of ideas.

The video avatar was developed by Hour One and it incorporated voice cloning by 11ElevenLabs with a custom chatbot based on GPT-4.

Drawing insights from Hoffman's extensive body of work spanning two decades, the AI clone synthesized responses reflective of his accumulated ideas and perspectives.

Hoffman acknowledged the potential discomfort that AI avatars might evoke but stressed the positive outcomes achievable through thoughtful application.

He envisioned AI avatars as reflective mirrors that amplify people's ideas and personality, stimulating introspection and consideration.

What's next for the AI clone?

In discussing potential uses of AI avatars, Hoffman highlighted the ability to translate his content into multiple languages, enabling broader global reach and connection beyond linguistic barriers.

However, Hoffman reiterated that AI should augment rather than replace human capabilities. He viewed AI as a potent amplifier of human potential, prompting questions about how this technology could foster greater empathy, connectivity, and expression.

"I've found the whole experience developing and experimenting with my AI avatar interesting and thought-provoking. As I've maintained from the time GPT first came out, I do not want nor expect this technology to replace humann," Hoffman said in a LinkedIn post.

"I view AI as a powerful amplifier of humans, and when I think about AI avatars through this lens, I begin to ask: What are some ways that I can use this tool to be more considerate and connected? More communicative, collaborative, and expressive? I think that we can and should use this technology to be and become more human."

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