Sony PS5 to Allow Users to Send Multiplayer Game Invites via Smartphone

Send a link to a friend and hop directly into the game.

There is no longer a need to go to the console and be online to invite friends and other players to a multiplayer session on the PlayStation 5, as Sony now allows users to do so right on their smartphones.

With this new feature, users only have to generate an invite link and share it with friends via group chats, private messages, and more platforms.

Under this latest feature, users no longer even have to share usernames and add them as PlayStation account friends to invite them over for a session.

Sony PS5 Allows Users to Send Multiplayer Game Invites via Links

PlayStation 5 Multiplayer Invite

Sony announced its latest change on the PS5, which expands users' connections and playing experiences by allowing them to give shareable links to friends for a direct multiplayer game experience.

Through this link, users may invite mutuals or friends to a dedicated online game session, which they can do via their smartphones.

This means that users no longer have to add them as friends via their PlayStation accounts and the respective games' online connectivities.

Additionally, it does not require a user to be on the PS5 console to create these links and send out invites to friends, and it could also invite newfound gaming peers.

Shareable Links for Direct Multiplayer Sessions on PS5

If looking to start a new multiplayer session invite, users only have to scan the QR code from the console and follow the instructions where they can find the links.

They only need to copy and paste this new shareable invite link to their contacts, which would lead users to launch the room, library, or session for multiplayer gaming.

PlayStation 5 and Sony's Direction

The PlayStation 5 is already four years old, and Sony already confirmed that it is in its later life cycle despite feeling like it was only yesterday when it dropped.

However, this also means that Sony has a new strategy for its beloved present-gen gaming hardware. Sony's financial arm will go public by October 2025, and the console will not see a first-party game release until March 2025.

With the PS5 in its late life cycle, new features and tweaks to the system aim to enhance the experience of playing the console.

In the latest update, version 9.00, Sony introduces a way to adjust the PS5's power indicator's brightness level, which also improves the DualSense mic's noise cancelation feature.

Currently, there are three main models of the PS5 available to the world, and it is the back-to-back first release, which features the Standard and Disc editions, as well as the PS5 Slim (the unofficial name).

Despite its late stages, Sony is still bringing massive features for the PS5 for users to enjoy, particularly with the new shareable links for multiplayer games that take users directly to the action.

Isaiah Richard
Tech Times
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