Evernote data sync is now 4x faster

Evernote users complained for months about problems syncing data between devices, but now Evernote seems to have solved the problem. The latest update to Evernote promises data sync that is up to four times faster than ever before.

Evernote revamped many of its servers in hopes of improving syncing speeds for its nearly 80 million users. The company also changed its requirements and completely altered its system of syncing notes to make the process more efficient. Evernote then tested the system on many of its servers--old and new--to gauge how well the process was working. Now, after months of testing, Evernote's 700-plus data centers are using the new sync engine.

Evernote redesigned its data syncing system with four goals in mind: preserve all data with limited disruptions to the service, keep the transition transparent so that users don't have to upgrade third-party apps, improve the app's performance and lay the infrastructure to support the app's future growth. As a result of Evernote's efforts, data sync will now be four times faster.

"For us, making sure that sync runs smoothly is a massive operation," Evernote's CEO Phil Libin wrote in a blog post. "For you, it should be invisible; the highest praise you can give it is to say, 'it just works.' Well, as of today it just works faster."

The average sync speed used to be between four and five seconds, but now Libin claims that it should only take one to two seconds for all your data to sync. Although the average user may not see ground-breaking improvements in the sync speed, those with more complex accounts who have been using Evernote since its inception should be amazed by the change. Users of Evernote Business will also experience a huge improvement. Essentially, the more PDFs, images, notebooks and other files you have in your account, the more impressed you will be with the data sync speed.

The new Evernote update will come in handy whenever users buy a new device, too. Thanks to the server and sync engine overhaul, all of the documents and files you stored on Evernote will be quickly transferred to your new device. In the company blog post, Libin stated that Evernote employees have been testing the updated version of the app and he describes the performance improvements as "amazing." Libin added that "[t]here is much rejoicing," in the office.

Evernote also plans to update its mobile, desktop and web apps to optimize the app's syncing speeds. The company will soon update its APIs and developer guidelines so that Evernote's partners can take advantage of the improvements, as well.

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