Disneyland's Autopia Ride Will Switch to EVs from Gas-Powered Cars in the Future

Disneyland's car ride is also making the electric switch.

Disneyland is joining the gas-powered car phase outs as it commits to an electric vehicle transition for its famed car ride in Tomorrowland, Autopia.

After a long and nice 69-year run for the gas cars located on Disneyland California in Anaheim, the theme park is committing itself towards clean energy, turning its back on internal combustion engines like what the country is aiming towards.

This specific ride has been a staple despite its almost 70-year run, with many attesting to enjoying the experience, may they be children or adults, offering a unique driving experience.

Disneyland's Autopia is Switching to EVs from Gas Cars

Disneyland spokesperson Jessica Good revealed to the Los Angeles Times that it will leave behind gas-powered cars, in favor of electric vehicles for its iconic attraction, Autopia. This would be the first major revamp of the attraction since it was conceived in 1955, one that offered visitors of all ages a chance to explore Tomorrowland in classic style.

Good claimed that as the automotive industry is making this shift, Disneyland Parks will also do so with Autopia towards electrification.

However, it was not revealed when this EV transition will take place, and who will be Disneyland's partner through this as it is currently Honda.

Autopia is Seeing a Change for the First Time

Autopia is a timeless classic ride for Disneyland Parks visitors as it offers a unique cruise around the famed landmarks and experiences in the famed sci-fi franchise of the company, Tomorrowland.

This year, it is celebrating its 69th anniversary since its inception in 1955, with the Disneyland ride offering 2-adult or 3-children seater gas-powered cars where riders may control the gas pedal and steer the vehicle, now changing for the first time.

Disneyland Parks and US EV Transition

The Walt Disney Company's Disneyland Parks and Resorts is known for being a staple theme park in the world, with each location featuring its unique experiences and other feats. However, one thing that is also known for the experience is the technological presence around, with its hotels previously featuring a "Hey, Disney" voice assistant which offers various famed characters of its franchises.

However, some attractions were left behind to capture nostalgia and the previous experiences, especially with that of Tomorrowland's Autopia which stuck with gas cars since the mid 1950s.

Times are changing, and the United States is one of the top countries pushing for EV transition, particularly with the Biden administration's legislation and regulations for it.

It may be the end of an era for Disneyland Parks' Autopia, especially with the classic mini hot rods that live off gasoline and deliver the unique rumble of an engine, powered by Honda's technology. Autopia will leave behind its gas-powered ride for an electric vehicle attraction in the next few years, attesting to the experience of Tomorrowland and sustainability.

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