Google Gemini AI is Relaunching in a Few Weeks—Will It Fix Racial Issues?

Gemini AI's problematic launch is looking to turn things around.

The massive fiasco behind the Gemini AI image generator caused Google to pull back on its disastrous release, but the company aims to relaunch the technology soon in a few weeks with several tweaks. The issue behind Gemini AI's "embarrassing" creation was its inaccuracies, with many reacting against Google for this problem, asking the company to fix the issue.

For now, Google is not rushing the return of Gemini for the public to access, giving the team more time to fix the problem to produce accurate images and more.

Google's Gemini AI Image Generator is Relaunching in a Few Weeks

Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis addressed Gemini AI's return, with the world getting a chance to access the generative AI image tool again in a few weeks, but no specific dates were given. Hassabis talked about this in a panel at the Mobile World Congress 2024 (MWC) in Barcelona, regarding that the company is looking to fix the AI presently.

"We have taken the feature offline while we fix that. We are hoping to have that back online very shortly in the next couple of weeks, a few weeks", Hassabis explained.

The Google DeepMind executive also claimed that the Gemini AI image generator has not been "working the way we intended," seeing a disastrous launch.

Will Google Finally Fix the Racial Issues on Gemini AI?

It remains unknown what Google will change to fix the racial issues on Gemini AI, but the company is looking to relaunch the image generator tool with improved capabilities, one that would be accurate and correct.

Gemini AI's issue centers on producing diverse representations that are inaccurate to history, with several Viking depictions that have colored skin, contrary to its European heritage. Other types of inaccuracies were also depicted by Gemini AI, causing an uproar online.

Google's Gemini AI Image Generator

In what could have been a successful milestone for Google's AI developments, the company's tech was overshadowed by massive complaints and callouts online for the inaccurate depictions the Gemini AI image generator brought. Apart from its inability to create "white people," several users found that Gemini is either over-the-top with its creations or conservative among others.

This led to Google pulling the Gemini AI image generator off its platforms to avoid further embarrassment and controversy among the public, promising a fix in the future. However, Google did not reveal a timeline for the return of Gemini, with the multimodal model paraded by the company as its most powerful version, yet sees these kinds of problematic creations.

While Google was able to bring diversity to the Gemini image generator, the AI was inaccurate in doing so, going as far as to offend certain races and communities with what it had offered. A new promise from Google DeepMind claims that Gemini's AI image generator will return in a few weeks, but it is not yet known if the tech will fix all of the issues it had until users get to try it out.

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