Roseberry Unveils Tech-Encrusted Dress, Robot Baby Doll in Fashionable Ode to Obsolescence

Daniel Roseberry's iconic dress and baby doll transcend mere fashion, serving as both time capsules and poignant messages for the future.

Enveloped in a collage of antiquated flip phones, chips, and various tech remnants, Daniel Roseberry's iconic dress and baby doll transcend mere fashion, serving as both time capsules and poignant messages for the future.

(Photo : Schiaparelli/Instagram)

@maggiejoymaurer carries a bedazzled AI-inspired robot toddler encrusted with technological artefacts and crystals, and wears an off-white tank top in ribbed jersey with a tonal corset, a pair of inside-out trousers with horsehair appliqué stripes, and a pair of patent leather cowboy boots with embossed pierced ears.

Fashionable Ode to Obsolescence

Unveiled at the Schiaparelli show, these standout pieces, a life-size robot baby doll, and a short cocktail dress, feature intricate embellishments made from old phones, calculators, wires, motherboards, and CDs, akin to sequins adorning a conventional garment.

Referred to as "The Mother," Interesting Engineering reported that the dress and the robotic toddler amalgamate humans and objects, bridging the past and the future.

Drawing inspiration from the Alien movies, Daniel Roseberry, the creative director of the French fashion house Schiaparelli, delves into his memories to craft pieces that, while warning of a potentially inhuman, robot-dominated future.

As Roseberry expressed in the show, the technology he grew up with is so antiquated that it's almost as difficult to source as certain vintage fabrics and embellishments.

When envisioning couture creations, most people conjure images of extravagant custom designs crafted from luxurious silks, supple leathers, crystals, and tulle.

However, for Roseberry, couture involves your old flip phone. In the latest couture show in Paris on Monday, Roseberry showcased Schiaparelli's 2024 collection.

Under his direction, Schiaparelli's shows have become highly anticipated events, not only for the A-list front row filled with celebrity clients but also for the unforgettable wearable sculptures that captivate fashion enthusiasts and make rounds on social media after each show.

Humanity & Advancing Technology

The New York Times reported that the juxtaposition of obsolete technology with avant-garde design serves as a profound commentary on the evolving relationship between humanity and rapidly advancing technology.

The phenomenon of old artifacts gaining sudden value and becoming sought after is not a novel concept. Roseberry's creations align with the current Y2K nostalgia hype cycle, a trend extending beyond fashion.

Young individuals are actively acquiring old digital cameras, fascinated by the Myspace digicam aesthetic they missed out on experiencing firsthand.

In a delightful TikTok video, a user creatively incorporates two iPod Nanos into her hair, while another person decorates a wall with old keyboards. A Schiaparelli dress resembling an early 2000s I Spy page represents the natural progression of this trend, as per The Verge.

Whenever there's a resurgence in interest and a market for previously overlooked and discarded items, it prompts reflection on what we might strive to reclaim two decades later.

Often, these rediscoveries are less about the practical utility of the item and more about cultural and social signaling.

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