NTT Data, a Japanese information technology company, is expanding into the field of artificial intelligence in an effort to improve road safety in Japan's rapidly aging population (via Nikkei Asia).
Their ambitious project seeks to create a cutting-edge AI system capable of instantly detecting cognitive decline in elderly drivers.
As the number of elderly drivers in Japan increases, so do concerns about accidents involving people who may have dementia.

The Future of Road Safety with AI
NTT Data's innovative AI system takes a multifaceted approach to assessing and notifying drivers about cognitive changes affecting their ability to navigate safely.
The system analyzes crucial driving parameters such as speed, acceleration, and deceleration. Leveraging artificial intelligence can provide real-time insights into a driver's cognitive functions, such as snap judgments and attention span.
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Experimenting with Tokyo Cabs
The company is set to kick off its groundbreaking experiment this January in collaboration with Tokyo-based cab company Kokusai Motorcars.
Over the next six months, data will be collected from dozens of cabs driven by individuals aged 65 and older. This comprehensive dataset will fuel the development of AI algorithms, ensuring the system's accuracy in identifying cognitive decline.
Equipping vehicles with measurement devices featuring global positioning systems, sensors, and communication functions, NTT Data ensures a thorough collection of driving behaviors.
The data, sent to the cloud, undergoes meticulous analysis in conjunction with the driver's original cognitive function status and age. This holistic approach distinguishes between normal cognitive abilities and those in decline.
What's Next?
The long-term vision includes launching the AI system as a cloud-based service within the next few years.
Initially targeting the taxi and logistics industries, where aging drivers are prevalent, NTT Data envisions wider adoption among the general driving population.
Discussions are underway to offer the system to insurance companies, integrating it as a valuable function within insurance products.
The Dangers of an Aging Driver Population
The move by NTT Data aligns with the escalating concerns about elderly drivers with cognitive impairment.
A Michigan study in a South Texas community reveals that the majority of older adults with cognitive impairment continue to drive, posing risks despite caregivers' concerns.
With over 35% of caregivers worried about their care recipient's ability to drive safely, the need for advanced solutions becomes paramount (via
Industry Collaborations and Technological Advancements:
In tandem with NTT Data's efforts, other players in the AI industry are exploring diverse approaches to measure cognitive functions.
AI developer ExaWizards, for instance, is delving into measurement technology using voice recognition AI. Additionally, research is underway to analyze cognitive function through facial expressions and eye movement, offering a broader spectrum of assessment tools.
Stay posted here at Tech Times.
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