Bitget Review 2023


Established in 2018, Bitget garnered a global user base, surpassing 20 million registered accounts globally. It stands out as the largest platform for cryptocurrency copy trading and the third-largest exchange for crypto derivatives. The daily trading volume on Bitget exceeds 10 billion USDT, reflecting its significant market presence.

Specializing in copy trading and smart trading tools, Bitget offers an extensive array of crypto services, including crypto-to-crypto trading, spot trading, futures trading, margin trading, copy trading, AI trading bots, and Launchpad. The platform enables users to track elite traders and replicate their strategies, helping to optimize investment portfolios and maximize profits. Additionally, it is expanding its services beyond CeFi, integrating with Bitget Wallet for secure cryptocurrency storage while also offering diverse investment options for digital assets, along with Bitget Swap for seamless swapping services.

Bitget Pros and Cons


  • High liquidity
  • Low cost and discount with BGB
  • Leverage up to 125X for certain trading pairs
  • 600+ coins available
  • Copy trading with benefits for both followers and copied traders
  • VIP levels with volume discounts on fees
  • US$424+ million Protection Fund
  • Total reserve ratio of 175%
  • Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) registration in Poland and Lithuania


    • KYC mandatory
    • Services not provided to users from certain regions (United States, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, etc.)

      Who Is Bitget Recommended For?

      Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange of choice for both advanced traders and novices due to its vast list of products for trading and investing. Professional traders could benefit from its broad offering for futures and margin trading, while newcomers to the cryptocurrency market may make the most of their trading activities by copying the trades of more seasoned users.

      Top Bitget Features

      • Broad selection of tradable cryptocurrencies. There are more than 600 coins and 700 trading pairs available on Bitget. Bitget's liquidity is one of the highest on the cryptocurrency market, with the recent 24h BTC/USDT trading volume reaching $500,000,000.
      • Copy trading. This Bitget's flagship service enables users to enhance their yields by replicating the orders of professional traders. With a community boasting over 130,000 elite traders and 650,000+ followers, Bitget's profit and loss (PnL) metric reached $430,000,000. Available both for spot and futures markets.
        • Bot trading powered by AI. Users can leverage AI bots provided by Bitget or create their own, spanning various strategies such as spot grid, futures grid, Martingale, CTA, and spot auto-invest. Leveraging AI capabilities, users can access and leverage advanced investment strategies. Remarkably, Bitget bot trading comes without additional fees, with all trades subject to standard taker and maker fees.
        • VIP Trading Club with discounts on fees. Bitget caters to active users through its VIP program, featuring five sub-levels determined by a user's trading volume. Achieving the VIP I level requires demonstrating >1,000,000 USDT in spot trading, maintaining an asset balance not below 50,000 USDT, or holding more than 100,000 BGB. To attain VIP 5, users need a spot trading volume exceeding 8,000,000 USDT, an asset balance surpassing 3,000,000 USDT, or a BGB balance not less than 6,000,000. VIPs on Bitget enjoy some of the market's lowest trading fees, retaining more of their profits. Additionally, VIP members access exclusive products with enhanced profitability, including a 4.5% APR for Savings, 12% APR for Wealth Management, and over 200% APR for Dual Investment. All VIP users benefit from premium support provided by a dedicated account manager.
        • Margin trading. Bitget users can increase their returns using leverage, with a maximum leverage of 125X for the BTCUSDT pair. Other more volatile assets have lower leverage levels set between 20X and 80X to reduce trader's exposure to extreme price movements. There are more than 50 margin trading pairs available on Bitget.
        • Futures trading. The futures market on Bitget encompasses contracts for BTC, ETH, XRP, DOT, DOGE, LTC, EOS, TRX, LINK, and UNI, organized into three categories: USDT-M for contracts with deposits in USDT, USDC-M for contracts with deposits in USDC, and COIN-M, which includes both perpetual and deliverable contracts with deposits in the specific asset being traded.
        • P2P marketplace. The service accommodates nearly 70 fiat currencies and six major coins (BTC, ETH, USDC, BGB, DAI, USDT). Accepted payment methods encompass bank transfers, PayPal, WebMoney, various global e-wallets, and multiple online payment systems.

        Bitget Overview

        Bitget Overview
        Bitget Overview

        Fees & Commissions

        Bitget provides some of the most competitive trading fees in the crypto market. The fee structure is contingent upon a user's monthly trading volume, their balance equivalent in USDT, and the BGB amount in their account. Notably, Bitget does not charge any fees for deposits. Withdrawal fees and minimum amounts differ based on the specific asset and its associated blockchain.

        Reliability & Security

        Bitget prioritizes the security of users' assets and employs a robust protective measure in the form of a US$424 million Protection Fund. This fund acts as a safeguard, ensuring the integrity and safety of user investments. To provide transparency and uphold accountability, Bitget consistently releases a Proof of Reserve on a monthly basis. As of January 9, the reserve ratio is 175%, underscoring the exchange's commitment to maintaining a healthy reserve. Bitget's total reserves surpassed a noteworthy $1.8 billion, further reinforcing the platform's financial robustness and user protection mechanisms.


        How to register on Bitget?

        Bitget Global Station now supports the following registration methods, please choose one:

        1. Visit the Bitget App or Bitget's official website.

        2. Click Register Now.

        3. Register by Phone:

        • Enter Phone Number – Set Password – Confirm Password

        • Agree to the Terms of Use

        • Wait to receive SMS verification code

        • Sign up

        Please pay attention to protecting personal information.

        4. Register by Email:

        • Enter Email Address – Set Password – Confirm Password

        • Agree to the Terms of Use

        • Wait for the email verification code

        • Sign up

        Please pay attention to protecting personal information.

        5. If the verification code is delayed, please try again or seek help from online customer service.

        How to Deposit Cryptocurrency to Bitget Account?

        If you want to deposit cryptocurrency to your Bitget account, please follow the instructions below:

        1. Visit Bitget APP or Bitget PC.

        2. Log in to your Bitget account.

        3. Click Assets.

        4. Choose one cryptocurrency you want to deposit.

        5. Click Deposit.

        6. Copy the address or scan the QR code with the code scanning function at the withdrawal address of other platforms.

        7. Deposit completed.

        How to Withdraw Cryptocurrency?

        If you want to withdraw cryptocurrency from your Bitget account, please follow the instructions below:

        1. Visit the Bitget APP or Bitget official website.

        2. Log in to your Bitget account.

        3. Click Assets.

        4. Choose one cryptocurrency you want to withdraw.

        5. Click Withdraw.

        6. Enter the withdrawal amount — Enter the withdrawal address or scan the deposit address of the third-party wallet.

        7. Withdrawal completed.

        How to Buy Crypto by Fiat?

        If you need to buy crypto by fiat, please follow the steps below:

        1. Log in to Bitget (

        2. Visit the [Buy Crypto] page. If you want to use a P2P service, you can click [P2P trading (0 fees)].

        3. Select the fiat currency you want to pay with, enter the amount, and choose the crypto you want to purchase.

        4. Select a third-party service provider and payment method, and click on the [Buy] button.

        5. Verify your identity information and complete the payment on Bitget and third-party service provider websites.

        1) To purchase crypto, you need to complete KYC. If you are not verified, please proceed to KYC first.

        2) Make sure your crypto wallet address is correct with the exchange account to obtain the right one.

        3) Preview the transaction order information and confirm to continue.

        4) Read the terms of service, check "I have read and serve the above terms" and click the confirm button.

        5) After the transaction is completed, you can view the purchased crypto in your Bitget deposit record and the order details on the third-party service provider website.

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