The Witcher Remake: Geralt's Original Voice Actor Wants to Return—What to Expect?

Geralt's original voice wants to make a comeback.

It has been years since CD Projekt Red announced its plans to revamp the entire series, with The Witcher Remake, soon to take its place in the world. However, the recent development here is the game's renowned voice actor who originally gave life to Geralt of Rivia, is now expressing his interest in playing the character for this next-generation adaptation.

There are not many updates from CD Projekt Red regarding this plan to recreate the game, one that would offer a more significant quality and experience for all.

The Witcher Remake: Geralt's OG Voice Actor Wants to Return

The Witcher 3

IGN shared an interview it recently had with Geralt of Rivia's original voice actor, Doug Cockle, and here, he expressed his massive interest in joining The Witcher Remake.

When asked about wanting to return as Geralt of Rivia in the different plans of CD Projekt Red, Cockle was enthusiastic about what he had to say.

Oh, absolutely. I would love to just keep on voicing Geralt until I can no longer voice anymore. It's just become such a part of me. I'm thrilled every time CD Projekt calls me up and says, "Hey, Doug, are you available for such and such?" And my heart does a little flutter and leaps, and I go, "Yes, of course I am," because I love it so much.

What to Expect from The Witcher's Remake Game

The Witcher Remake
CD Projekt Red

CD Projekt Red's The Witcher Remake will bring the game in a new look, centering on its switch to the Unreal Engine 5, better known for its codename, "Canis Majoris."

The game is set to bring the story and plot of the original game, and it remains unknown when the company will finish it, also with the original trilogy if these will also get remakes.

CD Projekt Red's The Witcher Remake

It was back in March 2022 when CD Projekt Red announced its massive take on its renowned gaming franchise, giving The Witcher and the entire saga a new life and look for the future. This is with The Witcher Remake, a project that the company is planning to develop for the world, going back to the roots of its first game and expanding upon the story of Geralt.

This also centers on a collaboration with Epic Games, particularly with its Unreal Engine 5 (UE5), which centers on improvements for its quality, build, and overall look.

Moreover, there are also plans by CD Projekt Red regarding the future of The Witcher franchise, centering on its fifth and sixth installments, also revealing that The Witcher 4 is currently under development.

Being CD Projekt Red's top game that brought it massive fame and popularity, The Witcher Remake will deliver a different kind of experience for die-hard fans, alongside newbies to the franchise. With CD Projekt Red looking to capture its original experience, an OG voice actor, best known for voicing Geralt of Rivia, wants to make a return, and not only for one game, but for many more in store.

Isaiah Richard
Tech Times
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