WWE Wrestler Mick Foley Eliminated From Wing Eating Competition For Cheating

If you are entering a chicken wing eating contest, it is expected that you will, you know, actually eat the wings.

Not so for Mick Foley.

The WWE Hall of Famer, also known as "Mankind," entered a wing eating competition in Philadelphia recently, only to be booted when he was caught on camera cheating.

TMZ has the report. It all went down at the Wells Fargo Center during Wing Bowl 23, as Foley attempted to compete against some of the top wing eaters in the country. He must have felt unable to compete at such a high level, because he quickly resorted to tossing uneaten chicken wings into his fanny pack. Yes, WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley was wearing a fanny pack, and used it to cheat to boot.

That didn't fly with Wing Bowl 23 officials. Foley initially denied the cheating allegations, until officials rolled the tape on the jumbo screen that clearly showed him shoveling wings into his pack. Then he was kicked out of the competition for good.

Patrick Bertoletti would go on to win the competition by shoveling in 444 wings in 26 minutes, without a fanny pack mind you. It's an impressive show of skill, but perhaps Foley's complete lack of it is even more compelling. Cheating with so many cameras around wasn't such a smart move. And aren't pro wrestlers supposed to be experts at faking it? Couldn't he have cheated in a more convincing way then just tossing whole wings into a pouch? We expected more from you, Foley. If you are going to cheat, at least cheat with style.

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