As Halloween approaches, you might be experiencing some apprehension about the anxiety and cortisol levels that can accompany watching scary movies with friends, family, or your significant other. However, there's no need to be concerned.

Horror Movies as Unconventional Stress Relief
A study highlighted revealed that horror movies actually have a counterintuitive effect: they can make real-life situations seem less frightening. Interesting Engineering reported that these films have been found to alleviate stress, help in anxiety management, and enhance resilience.
In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic prompted individuals to turn to horror movies as a means of stress relief. In the midst of pandemic-related stress, data from the Movies Anywhere application indicated a substantial uptick in people embracing horror films as a coping mechanism.
This research has shed light on how horror movies can offer insights into psychological responses to fear, the emotional release they provide, and their potential therapeutic benefits, particularly for those dealing with anxiety.
Safe Space for Release of Tensions, Emotions
According to Melanie Bryan, a clinical psychologist based in Hong Kong, horror movies create a safe space for the release of tension and a wide range of emotions. She notes that aside from concerts, few environments allow for such a powerful emotional release as horror films.
National Geographic reported that the psychological mechanisms at play when watching these spine-chilling movies offer therapeutic effects for many individuals, as the controlled setting provides a way to release pent-up emotions and tension.
However, it's essential to recognize that while horror movies can be beneficial for some, they may not be suitable for everyone. Seeking professional guidance, like therapy, is crucial for identifying appropriate coping strategies for individuals managing anxiety and stress.
As Bryan pointed out, different people have varying responses to anxiety triggers. For some, discussing topics like flying or public speaking can induce anxiety due to the perceived loss of control. The study was published in June 2019 in the journal Pub Med.
She explains that our initial reaction to fear is primarily physical, triggered by a recollection of a similar past experience or a conceptual fear, such as arachnophobia or the fear of flying.
Stress hormones, like adrenaline, flood our body, leading to an accelerated heart rate and breathing. The physical response to fear sets in quickly, but it takes some time for the body to metabolize the adrenaline, which is essential for us to regain a sense of calm.
When watching a horror movie, the release is experienced when the conflict reaches a positive resolution, often when the forces of evil are defeated. This leads to the brain releasing endorphins, which are stress-relief hormones that promote relaxation.
South China Morning Post reported that this experience provides a sense of catharsis and relief.
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