Bare Metal Email is putting mega-email platforms in their place by providing the best Outlook alternative. Those looking to take their email accounts into the future so they're prepared for the innovations of tomorrow are excited about this new development. In an internet landscape full of the same, tired options, there's finally an email provider that's taking effective communication to the next level.
Coming from a background in big data, something Career Foundry has waxed lyrical about recently in regards to the importance of it's cleanliness, the creators of Bare Metal Email decided to strive to provide a solution to a common problem many people and businesses struggle with. An abundance of email data is wonderful to have, but if there's no effective and efficient way to deliver it, what's the point of having it in the first place? Not to mention, companies typically wonder how to get their emails into the right inboxes. If their targeted audience isn't reached at the end of the day, email marketing would still be a pointless endeavor.

BME believes they've solved the issue of outdated email platforms better than any other provider. They started from scratch, starting at the bottom of the chain and building their way up step by step. At the first instance of resistance, they note and address the issue, creating a practically flawless system that keeps company communication up and running under almost all circumstances. They've targeted the reasons why emails don't arrive at their intended destination, creating an email platform that's primed for a fruitful future.
This ESP operates on the basis of logic, creativity, and integrity overall.
By removing spammers, solving potential catastrophic issues with deliverability, and playing by exceptionally set rules, Bare Metal Email is repurposing the way people view email itself.
Over eight years of research, the founders determined the most forensically effective routes for email deliverability on a six-layer system. They learned the rules set by major ESPs and Blacklists and worked in accordance with them instead of in opposition to them. They've taken annoying and anxiety-inducing features like forced two-factor authentication out of the equation, making them the email provider people prefer. As far as Outlook alternatives are concerned, Bare Metal Email stands out as the choice individuals are looking for.

Today, almost half of all emails sent go straight to spam. Instead of relying on the ineffective duopoly of Outlook, there's an option that's becoming increasingly dominant in the space that people can depend on. There is a serious alternative to what already exists-and it's measurably better. Existing legacy email service providers for businesses aren't getting the job done, so Bare Metal Email has stepped up, picked up the mantle, and is handling the matter with its own capable hands.
The best Outlook alternative for CEOs, founders, entrepreneurs, COOs, CMOs, and more has launched, and there's no going back now. Bare Metal Email has already gained a meaningful presence in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand, and it shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. Instead of attempting to navigate the convoluted and obscure world of email, allow the experts at Bare Metal Email to streamline the perfect communication process for your company. Contact their team to get started today.