Proper Eye Care and Testing Unlocks Key to Understanding Multiple Diseases

Anonymous oculist examining vision of patient on eye screener
Ksenia Chernaya

Comprehensive eye exams are more than just checking for refractive errors or ocular diseases-they are also a good way to catch multiple systemic diseases. However, according to an annual survey conducted by the American Optometric Association, a quarter of Americans believe that eye exams are unnecessary if they have clear vision, with nearly half of the millennials agreeing. Unsurprisingly, a large number of asymptomatic patients who come in for comprehensive eye exams end up diagnosed with serious conditions-both ocular and systemic.

Increasing accessibility for eye care and eye exams

The eyes are a unique organ in the body, as they are the only site where medical professionals can see blood vessels and nerves without surgery. Changes in these structures can indicate the presence of systemic diseases, and early detection can lead to early treatment with better outcomes. This is why comprehensive eye exams are recommended for all ages at least once every 1-2 years.

Fortunately, eye exams are now being made more accessible thanks to technological advancements, as well as the efforts of many optical care establishments. Online retailer allows customers to update their eyeglasses prescriptions and book eye exams, among other valuable services. Additionally, they accommodate various payment methods and installments and even feature discounted rates for some of their frames, including first-rate quality designer brands such as Michael Kors, Giorgio Armani, and Ralph Lauren. Offline retailers such as Costco Optical also provide similar services and products. With over 800 Costco branches in the United States, about 500 of them have an optical department. These departments enable local access to a range of eyewear and eye exam-related services, with prices varying depending on the store location and in-house optometrists.

All things considered, having regular comprehensive eye exams is not only a simple and effective way in which individuals can maintain good vision. It is also relatively inexpensive when compared to the amount of costs that would be incurred for the treatment of serious optical and systemic diseases that could have been detected and treated earlier. This is why it is particularly important to give priority to eye care and testing, as well as to understand the ways in which many diseases manifest in the eyes.

Common diseases that can be caught through eye exams

Out of the many systemic diseases that can be caught through eye exams, some of the most prominent are diabetes mellitus and hypertension-both of which manifest as a certain type of retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy and hypertensive retinopathy are some of the most common ocular manifestations and can cause vision loss in people with these diseases, especially if left untreated. Other ocular manifestations of these diseases include cataracts, glaucoma, and optic neuropathy.

Another disease that manifests in the eyes is Alzheimer's disease. This disease can be caught before symptoms appear through ocular manifestations such as retinal thickness, decreased visual acuity, and impaired contrast sensitivity. These changes are thought to be caused by the loss of blood vessels in the retina, which could be an early indication of Alzheimer's since the retina is an extension of the brain.

Other diseases that can cause ocular manifestations include thyroid disease and rheumatoid arthritis, both of which frequently cause dry eye syndrome. Certain types of cancer, such as lymphoma and leukemia, sometimes also have ocular manifestations, which can come in the form of retinal infiltrations and uveitis-an inflammation inside the eyes.

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