eBay Scams: How Spot Them and Protect Yourself from Scammers

Avoid getting scammed on eBay by learning how to spot usual scams.

eBay Scams: How Spot Them and Protect Yourself From Scammers
eBay scam Oberon Copeland @veryinformed.com from Unsplash

Almost all online selling platforms are prone to scams that's why people should not let their guard down at times.

eBay, for instance, is a notorious place where scams happen. For the part of the sellers and buyers, there's always a chance that a bogus transaction can take place.

Regardless if you're a new or a long-time eBay user, you should first know how to detect scams on this selling site.

Most Common eBay Scams You Can Encounter as a Buyer

With scammers becoming smarter in launching scam campaigns, it gets harder for the customers to know the best action to counter them.

There are different kinds of scams that you can observe on eBay. They might come in various forms, but they have a common goal: to steal your hard-earned money.

Empty Box Scam

At one point, you might have seen a very cheap item that you won't find elsewhere. It can be a rare collectible, a limited-edition phone, or anything in between.

Be careful not to rush into buying them and closely inspect the legitimacy of the seller. Although the packaging looks original, you might not see any item inside the box.

Outside Payment

eBay ensures that buyers and sellers will have a safe transaction within the platform. In some cases, some people will ask you to pay for the goods outside eBay and this is already a red flag.

Paying outside eBay is a common scam that requires the victim to give his/her personal information to the buyer/seller. Once you send the payment, the scammer will not reply anymore.

The worst part here is you won't receive any item in return. eBay can't do anything with this transaction since it's out of its policy. Report here just in case.

Fake Product

It's tempting to see products on eBay especially when you first see their pictures on their authentic look. However, although they appear to be legitimate items, there's a chance that the seller will just ship a counterfeit version of your order.

If you notice that the price of the item is too low from its original price, something might be wrong. It's definitely a "knock-off" or "bootleg." If something is wrong in the listing, you can report it here.

How to Avoid eBay Scams

It's easy to see the signs that the scammer is throwing at you. However, not all buyers are keen on the details, resulting in failure to recognize the scams.

To avoid getting scammed on eBay, make sure to read the following tricks.

Just transact within eBay channels: As much as possible, don't deal outside eBay. It's simple to follow yet other buyers often ditch it just for the sake of purchasing a heavily discounted item. Transacting on eBay will give you protection from scammers. It's not guaranteed, but it has less risk, nonetheless.

Read the item reviews first: It's important to always check the feedback page of the items from the sellers. Scrutinize their profile. Chances are, some of them are newbie sellers, but others could be scammers.

Document the transaction: Request for the image of the packing and posting of your order. There should be a tracking number for the items you purchase so you can avoid fraud just in case. It's also proof that your order is being processed and tracked from the warehouse to your house.

Joseph Henry
Tech Times
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