A pioneering method has emerged for manipulating laser beams using sound waves alone. These days, powerful laser beams are essential in scientific research, from particle accelerators to nuclear fusion experiments.

Paving the Way for Laser Beam Bending
In a remarkable collaborative endeavor among research institutions in Germany, a groundbreaking method has emerged, enabling the manipulation of laser beams exclusively through the power of sound waves. Modern scientific research heavily relies on the use of immensely powerful laser beams.
Whether scientists are probing particle accelerators to unearth previously undiscovered atomic constituents or striving to replicate nuclear fusion here on Earth, Interesting Engineering reported that high-intensity lasers have become indispensable tools in these endeavors.
Traditionally, optical components such as lenses, prisms, and mirrors have been the go-to choices for directing these potent laser beams. However, as laser intensities continue to surge, the limitations of these optical devices have become increasingly apparent.
A consortium of researchers hailing from esteemed institutions including the Technical University of Darmstadt, Aalen University of Applied Sciences, Universität Hamburg, Inoson GmbH in St. Ingbert, the Helmholtz Institute Jena, and Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY).
Invisible Grating
These embarked on a quest to discover methods of deflecting laser beams without necessitating physical contact with materials. Enter the concept of an "invisible grating."
The researchers postulated that by creating a grating composed of air, they could achieve deflection without subjecting the setup to the potentially destructive forces of high-intensity lasers. To realize this vision, the team employed specialized loudspeakers to construct an optical grating.
The loudspeakers facilitated the creation of a patterned grating comprising alternating dense and sparse areas of air. Just as variations in air density cause the bending of light in the Earth's atmosphere, the density disparities within the grating could be harnessed to bend laser beams.
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During their initial experimentation, the research group operated with a laser boasting a peak output of 20 gigawatts, an energy level akin to that generated by an astonishing two billion LED bulbs, as highlighted in the official press release.
This immense energy capacity poses a substantial risk to conventional mirrors and prisms typically employed for beam deflection. However, the research team accomplished the remarkable feat of beam deflection without any physical contact whatsoever.
Addressing this Problem
To address this, the researchers considered the possibility of achieving full beam deflection by intensifying the level of sound employed in the process.
Christoph Heyl, the scientist leading the research at DESY, elaborated on this aspect, stating that they operate at a sound level approximately equivalent to 140 decibels, akin to the noise level generated by a jet engine at close proximity.
However, this breakthrough introduces the prospect of controlling light without physical contact, thereby expanding the horizons of optical science. These groundbreaking findings have been meticulously documented and published in the prestigious journal, Nature Photonics.