Bugs in games aren't new and sometimes, no matter how hard developers try to make a game perfect, the title can still come out with glitches. Now, a new bug was spotted in Destiny 2 which was described as "one of the worst."
Destiny 2 Glitch Lets Players Create Their Own Guns with Perks Capable of Breaking the Game
According to the story by The Verge, the new glitch was one of the worst but it was also described as "hilarious." This bug reportedly lets players create their own guns with perks that are capable of breaking the game in PVP or other activities.
This involved certain things like players being able to place shotgun flames into simple auto rifles. This means players can use this simple weapon to destroy another player in PVP in just a matter of milliseconds.
The bug has already been acknowledged and according to the developer of the game, Bungie, they are already working on a Destiny 2 fix. So far, players have been using the glitch to craft grenade launchers including frames coming from other weapons. Players can also send huge explosive projectiles toward other enemies or those players engaging in PvP.
Using the Bug Makes Trials of Osiris Seem Very Easy as Players Get OPed Weapons
So far, the developers have been giving players extra rewards for running a particular activity called "Grandmaster Nightfall." This activity was regarded as one of the most challenging parts of the PvE environment and thus the glitch makes this activity very easy.
By applying the glitch, players can easily blast through enemies and bosses very easily despite it initially being designed to be a challenge for players. It was noted that the bug has even affected Destiny 2's Trials of Osiris, which is a competitive PvP mode.
The Glitch Results in Hundreds of Players Walking Around with Supposed Difficult-to-Acquire Weapons
Trials of Osiris is known for releasing the Igneous Hammer, which is much sought after since it is usually very hard to claim. To get the weapon, players would reportedly have to win seven games without ever losing, making it previously hard for some.
However, with the new glitch, hundreds of players are easily walking around with the weapon, which The Verge described as making Trials of Osiris look easy despite it supposed to be an extremely difficult PvP environment.
Destiny 2 Ban Policy Doesn't Cover the Use of the Exploit
The developer released an official post regarding how they would not ban or restrict players from using the exploit per its ban policy. However, they did highlight how any external scripting or network manipulation tools would still be considered offenses meriting a ban.
One problem the bug makes is that legendary weapons no longer seem legendary since regular weapons can be exploited for them to be equally as powerful. The article by The Verge notes that using the glitch felt like cheating due to how it made everything extremely easy.