Xlear: The Study-Backed Efficacy of Simple Nasal Hygiene (and How It Washes Away Upper-Airway Respiratory Issues)

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Marina Vitale on Unsplash

The COVID-19 pandemic greatly increased Americans' awareness of upper respiratory health. And while the pandemic may no longer be the massive global health concern it once was, it doesn't diminish just how widespread upper respiratory issues can be.

From allergies and congestion to sinusitis and chronic nasal dryness, there are a wide variety of upper airway respiratory issues that can negatively impact your daily life. But with proper nasal hygiene, you can keep such challenges under control and stay healthy.

I recently had the chance to speak with Nathan Jones, founder and CEO of Xlear, to learn more about how something as simple as a saline nasal solution can improve upper respiratory health.

Understanding Common Nasal Issues

"Nasal ailments are surprisingly common," Jones explains.

"For example, dry air often causes people to experience uncomfortable nasal dryness and even be more likely to have nosebleeds. The cold and flu can cause significant stuffiness and congestion that makes it hard to breathe. And conditions like sinusitis can cause major congestion and increase the risk for a bacterial or viral infection. These issues aren't just about discomfort. They can have a direct impact on your quality of life."

Case in point: Sinusitis affects over 31 million people in the United States, contributing to an estimated 16 million doctor visits and billions in spending on over-the-counter medications each year. And in 2021, it was estimated that roughly 81 million Americans were diagnosed with seasonal allergies.

Basic prevention and care - particularly with the use of saline nasal sprays - can make a drastic difference for people who suffer from these and other upper airway respiratory issues.

How Saline Nasal Sprays Work

Saline nasal sprays are surprisingly simple in their basic form, containing a mix of distilled or filtered water and salt. This ensures that the spray is free of bacteria and viruses. However, some solutions also contain additional ingredients, such as xylitol, to offer further benefits.

"Saline nasal sprays come in a bottle, premixed and ready for you to use," Jones explains. "You place an applicator tip into the nostril and squeeze the bottle or a plunger, and the solution is released into your nostril. You do this with one nostril at a time so the saline solution can physically flush out bacteria, pollen and other allergens, and any other debris that might be irritating your upper respiratory system."

Studies have consistently shown that saline nasal spray improves allergy symptoms because of its ability to flush out irritants such as allergens and mucus. At the same time, it provides much-needed moisture to the nasal passages to reduce irritation and dryness.

The saline solution essentially acts as a cleansing, moisturizing wash that provides relief from nasal conditions by helping alleviate common symptoms and potentially reducing the risk of infection in the first place.

Nasal Spray Efficacy In Action

While saline nasal sprays have long been used to relieve allergies and congestion, research shows that they can help address several other upper airway respiratory issues as well.

Notably, some research indicates that saline sprays can be made even more effective with the addition of certain ingredients. For example, steroid nasal sprays are often prescribed to relieve severe allergy symptoms, while nasal sprays formulated with iota-carrageen help treat symptoms of the common cold. The sugar alcohol xylitol, which blocks bacterial and viral adhesion to human airway tissue, has also been used in nasal sprays and nasal irrigation products with promising results.

As Jones explains, "We usually think of xylitol as being good for dental health, since it's often used as a sugar substitute. Research shows that it can also help stimulate the immune system, improve digestion and more. By combining the already potent assistance of saline solutions with ingredients like xylitol, we can further improve nasal hygiene and our ability to address common nasal issues."

For example, in one study, high-risk healthcare workers in India were given saline nasal sprays to use three times per day during the delta wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. One group received a nasal spray with xylitol, while the other group received a placebo of a standard saline solution. While both solutions helped reduce incidences of COVID-19 among the study participants, the solution containing xylitol reduced COVID incidence 62% more than the placebo group.

By reducing symptoms and infections, this simple act of nasal hygiene with xylitol was able to improve outcomes for healthcare workers who needed it most.

A Simple Way to Improve Your Well-Being

Referring to the study conducted in India, Jones notes, "One of the things that stood out to me the most about that study was how they had over 99% compliance, simply because the nasal sprays were easy to carry, and simple and comfortable to use. To someone who has never used a saline nasal spray before, it may seem like a big deal to start using one. But it's really very easy to make part of your normal routine. That convenience combined with the effectiveness of the treatment can go a long way in improving upper respiratory issues."

Thanks to their ease of use and effectiveness, it's clear that saline nasal solutions with xylitol are an excellent choice for alleviating a variety of upper respiratory issues. With proper use, the relief you need may be closer than you expect.

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