Gold Tattoos Infused into Living Cells Will Soon Integrate Humans With Electronics

Gold patterns tattooed onto living tissues merge cells and electronics.

Scientists have developed a new technology that tattoos gold patterns onto living tissues, marking a significant step forward in merging human cells and electronic devices.

This breakthrough paves the way for a future where biological cells and electronic components coexist harmoniously, enabling real-time health monitoring and disease detection at the cellular level.

Embedding Gold on Living Cells

Led by engineer David Gracias from Johns Hopkins University, the research builds upon a fabrication method known as nanoimprint lithography.

Using this technique, the team successfully printed intricate gold nanodots and nanowires onto living mouse embryo fibroblast cells, signaling a significant stride towards creating more complex circuitry within cellular structures.

"If we had technologies to track the health of isolated cells, we could maybe diagnose and treat diseases much earlier and not wait until the entire organ is damaged," explains Gracias. This visionary approach hinges on remotely monitoring individual cell states and their surrounding environments in real-time.

The Challenge of Merging Living Tissues and Electronics

ScienceAlert tells us that engineers have long grappled with integrating electronics with biological entities. The primary stumbling block lies in the stark incompatibility between living tissues and the manufacturing techniques typically used in electronics.

These methods often involve harsh chemicals, high temperatures, or vacuums that destroy living cells or soft materials. Gracias and his team circumvented this problem by adopting a nanoimprint lithography technique that utilizes a stamp to imprint nanoscale patterns onto materials.

The journey from a pattern on a silicon wafer coated in polymer to adhering it to living tissue involves intricate steps, including using a biological compound called cysteamine and hydrogel coatings.

The true breakthrough lies in the fact that this process maintains the viability of the cells. The gold patterns are bonded to the cells using gelatin, enabling them to remain attached and functional even as the cells move for up to 16 hours.

"We've shown we can attach complex nanopatterns to living cells while ensuring that the cell doesn't die," says Gracias, highlighting the crucial compatibility between living cells and the gentle fabrication methods employed in this breakthrough.

A key aspect of this innovation is the concept of arrays. The gold nanodots and nanowires are organized into arrays with specific spacing, mirroring the arrangement found in electronic chips. This enables the tracking of bioinformation and the monitoring of cellular health with precision and accuracy.

Potential Applications

The potential applications of this technology are astounding. Engineers foresee the development of sophisticated electronics, such as electrodes, antennas, and circuits, seamlessly integrated with living tissues, hydrogels, and other soft materials.

The cost-effective nature of nanoscale lithography enhances its appeal, offering a pathway to unlocking the potential of biohybrid materials, bionic devices, and biosensors.

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