Trust Issues: Zoom CEO Eric Yuan Requires Employees to Report to Office for at Least 2 Days a Week

Zoom CEO finds it hard to build trust over a computer screen.

When COVID-19 struck the whole world, everything was messed up. From daily lifestyle adjustments to work arrangements, the pandemic really changed the cycle of life of every individual.

Zoom became a popular video conferencing tool for employees who were forced to work from home. The digital setup was prioritized to ensure the safety of the staff.

Now, more companies are urging workers to return to their original routine. Zoom CEO Eric Yuan, for instance, told employees to report to the office face-to-face soon, according to a leaked audio.

Zoom CEO Wants Employees to Get Back to the Office

Leaked Zoom Recording: CEO Eric Yuan Requires Employees to Report to Office For At Least 2 Days a Week
In a leaked Zoom recording, Yuan proposed a hybrid schedule for employees since establishing trust on the platform is hard. Kena Betancur/Getty Images

For more than two years, remote setup has become the trend for many companies. The meetings are only held online via Zoom or any other platform.

In a recent article by Insider, a leaked recording revealed that Yuan requested the employees to get back to the usual track as soon as possible. He wanted them to report to the office at least twice a week.

According to the Zoom CEO, it's been a challenge to build trust over the screen since their platform makes the Zoom employees or the "Zoomies" more friendly.

"Over the past several years, we've hired so many new 'Zoomies' that it's really hard to build trust. We cannot have a great conversation. We cannot debate each other well because everyone tends to be very friendly when you join a Zoom call," Yuan said in the leaked audio.

Return-to-Office Setup Comes Back

In another report by Gizmodo, the Zoom audio only showed that the hybrid schedule that Yuan proposed is something that employees need to make adjustments to.

It's quite difficult to make arrangements online and working at the office will be much easier when they are physically present, per Yuan.

The point being, that the COVID-19 pandemic is finally easing up and several tech firms want their workers to perform to the best of their ability. They believe that this transition could bring more productivity to the whole organization.

Yuan isn't the first tech CEO to request an RTO setup for the employees after a series of COVID-19 lockdowns.

Apparently, Apple CEO Tim Cook is monitoring the attendance of returning employees to the office after working for a long time at home.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg also implemented the same change, but instead of two days per week, he urged the employees to go at least three times per week.

While some workers find the hybrid setup unfair, it might avoid the "zoom fatigue" on the flip side. This is a common condition where a person suddenly feels tired after long hours of meetings.

Maybe talking to your co-employee face-to-face could make a difference this time. Who knows, this might take some time at first, but this could help you boost your confidence and reduce your thinking behind the screen.

Joseph Henry
Tech Times
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