So Juno was kind of a bust in New York, but in Boston it was a different story. The city was hit with about two feet of snow and one Bostonian took the storm in true #BostonStrong fashion. An unidentified mystery man was seen shoveling snow off the Boston Marathon finish line, making sure that it didn't stay buried after the blizzard.
Philip Hillman, the man who took the now viral photo, was staying at the Charlesmark Hotel when he looked out his window and saw someone shoveling the iconic finish line on Tuesday.
Love that Dirty Frozen Water #Boston #bostonblizzard #BostonStrong
— Philip L. Hillman (@PhillyIdol1017) January 27, 2015
After tweeting the photo, users began to use the hashtag #whoshoveledthefinishline to find the mystery man and celebrate his heroic deed, one even tweeted that they owe him a beer. The Boston Police Department also tweeted the photos to find the mystery shoveler.
Help Boston solve a #BlizzardOf2015 mystery. #WhoShoveledTheFinishLine? #BostonStrong — Boston Police Dept. (@bostonpolice) January 28, 2015
Hillman originally thought that the man could have been an employee of the Charlesmark Hotel, but this was found to be untrue. The owner of the hotel, Mark Hagopian said the man was a marathon enthusiast who was wearing an Ironman T-shirt. He bought his own shovel and a friend that took a picture.
"I'm not surprised, it's the oldest marathon in the world," he says. "People take their picture with that finish line every single day."
Still his identity remains unknown. While it was originally believed that one man was behind the act, there is evidence that there was more than one shoveler. However, this could be the friend that Hagopian cited. One man was seen wearing dark pants, while another wore khakis.
The search for their identities remain, with some even posting pictures on Instagram.
Giving respect to the #BostonMarathon finish line. #blizzardof2015 #boylston #boston #cnnsnow
A photo posted by monkmpls (@monkmpls) on Jan 27, 2015 at 3:11pm PST
“I had no idea it would have this response," Hillman says of the now viral photo.
[Photo Credit: Philip L. Hillman/ Twitter]