A recent study has drawn attention by examining the correlation between political inclination and attractiveness in women. Utilizing advanced artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, researchers analyzed a vast collection of photographs, focusing on qualities such as attractiveness and happiness.
AI Model Analyzes Happiness Among Conservative and Liberal Women

The surprising findings revealed that the AI model recognized conservative women as more attractive and happy in the photographs. Just like in other studies, algorithm biases should be considered while evaluating the outcome of the research, according to the New York Post.
What Does the Study Say?
The study observed a correlation between attractiveness scores and conservative political inclination among women but not men. These results sparked discussions in both the political and technological realms.
Some individuals speculated that the AI algorithms used in the study might contain biases, while others proposed that the findings could indicate subtle cultural differences in how conservatives and leftists present themselves visually.
The researchers acknowledged that attractiveness was not the sole factor associated with the model's predicted ideology. They also discovered a connection between expressing happiness and conservatism in both genders.
Previous research has established that smiling in photographs often indicates extraversion, although this trait is not widely linked to ideology. Interestingly, some studies have suggested that right-wing politicians tend to display more extroverted behavior.
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Limitations of AI Study
The study's authors emphasized the need for further investigation to determine whether happy faces are indicative of conservatism beyond samples of politicians. They acknowledged that politicians on the left and right may have different incentives for smiling, with smiling faces generally perceived as more attractive, which could be comparatively more important for conservative politicians.
This necessitates exploring the extent to which happiness in photographs reflects conservatism in wider populations.
AI Models Can be Biased
It is crucial to approach studies of this nature with a critical mindset, recognizing the potential biases inherent in AI models or the data employed, per Breitbart.
Artificial intelligence algorithms are developed by humans and can inadvertently incorporate societal biases or limitations present in the training data. Therefore, continuous evaluation and improvement of AI models are necessary to minimize biases and ensure fair and accurate outcomes.
To view the study entitled "Using deep learning to predict ideology from facial photographs: expressions, beauty, and extra-facial information," visit Nature.com. The study was conducted by Stig Hebbelstrup Rye Rasmussen, Steven G. Ludeke, and Robert Klemmensen from Denmark.
While AI is already impressive at its finest, it does not mean that it's already perfect. It's still flawed and prone to human error. Further improvements are expected to roll out in the future to reduce mistakes when carrying out deep learning research.