A lazy Hong Kong man reportedly relied on ChatGPt to seek an interesting name for his soon-to-be-born baby. However, this pushed his wife to wonder about the real identity of the child's father.
Hong Kong Man Asks ChatGPT to Give Name to His Baby

According to a report by The South China Morning Post on Wednesday, April 12, a man from Hong Kong has tested the wonders of the popular chatbot to see what name it can give to his baby.
The man's wife posted this story on DiscussHK last month, but it's only recently that it caught the attention of social media citizens to comment on the issue.
"I asked my husband to help name our baby, but he asked AI," the woman posted on the discussion thread in late March 2023.
The woman said he told her husband to think of a possible name idea for their baby, particularly a Chinese name. Instead of consulting a real person about this, the man turned to ChatGPT for answers.
What Baby Names Did ChatGPT Suggest to the Man?
The AI chatbot wrote some interesting name ideas for a soon-to-be-born child. According to The Star, ChatGPT gave "Meifeng" as an ideal baby name which translates to "beautiful mountains." The other name that the machine gave is "Zhiyu," which means "wise universe."
The city-expectant father was surprised to see that ChatGPt also produced traditional Chinese names for their baby, including "Yongyi" (brave and resolute) and "Mingli" (understand things).
While the above-mentioned names are quite good to the ears of the husband, it turns out that the wife did not favor any of them.
For the woman, naming a child is considered "meaningful and important," but it's sad that her husband consulted AI for suggestions.
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Netizens Called the Man 'Lazy'
In the discussion forum, the woman called his husband "too lazy" in thinking of brilliant names for their baby. Some viewers believe the woman is right about her statement to her husband.
For some commenters, the man was not honoring the importance of naturally giving a name to a child. Some agreed he was too lazy to ask AI about this simple problem.
While some bashed the Hong Kong man for using ChatGPT to ask for baby names, others praised what he did.
According to one person, using AI is a modern and intelligent way of naming a child. It's like using a dictionary to look for the words suited for a sentence.
The person adds that the woman should stop scolding her husband but praise him for keeping up with the technology.
In another ChatGPT-related story, Tech Times wrote that a developer demonstrated how the Wolverine tool could search for bugs in Python programs and solve them by itself.