A new, less-invasive breast cancer treatment is now adopted by the Providence Breast Center at Mount Saint Joseph Hospital in Vancouver, a first for British Columbia, Canada. The team uses the famed magnetic seed, smaller than a grain of rice, to help remove tumors and breast tissue affected by cancer, and helps in a better procedure overall.
Previous treatments feature wires inserted into one's breasts, and it presents a more painful experience during and after the operation for a patient, now replaced in PBC.
Magnetic Seed Breast Cancer Operations Now Available in Vancouver, B.C.

According to a report by Global News Canada, the highly-reliable "magnetic seed" treatment made its way to the Providence Breast Center in Vancouver, a first in the British Columbia province of the Great North. This latest development opens up significant opportunities for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, to opt for more advanced treatment.
Testimonies and reports claim that the magnetic seed treatment is less-invasive, takes less tissue from one's breast, and is overall better compared to the traditional wires.
The use of the previous wires is uncomfortable for some patients, taking up long hours for its installation before the operation.
On the other hand, magnetic seeds require patients to drop by a day before their scheduled operation for its insertion which only takes minutes, and the operation is less painful, as per accounts of a patient who experienced both procedures.
Magnetic Seed is Better than Traditional Wires for Treating Breast Cancer
Mammotome, a company offering the "Magseed" (magnetic seed) localization operations claims that this procedure makes the process easier for both patients and physicians.
It also features a shallow incision to the breast, about 10cm deep only, compared to the traditional wires used to treat breast cancer before, allowing better care and a less-invasive procedure to rid a woman of the disease.
Breast Cancer and the Disease on Women
One of the most notorious types of cancer to fall upon women is breast cancer, particularly for an area that is full of fatty, fibrous, and glandular tissues that may develop into cysts or tumors in the long run. There are specific studies in helping diagnose it, with artificial intelligence helping catch it long before the cancer manifests.
Companies like Google has taken their massive resources and capabilities to collaborate with health organization and institutions to help further breast cancer research, especially in this age. With the growing resources and developments in technology, breast cancer detection is possible, even before it worsens and needs operations.
Apart from detecting and catching breast cancer early on, there are many developments in the field of science and medicine to improve treatments on a woman's glandular organ. This magnetic seed treatment has been around for several years, making its way to medical institutions like the Providence Breast Center and making it more accessible to those that need it.
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