Globally, 1 in 3 (30%) women are victims of physical and sexual violence from their partner in their lifetime, having a long-term damaging impact on their mental health. In solidarity with these women, Kierstyn Franklin and Tiffany Denny have founded The Relationship Recovery Program: a community of women that allows former victims of abuse to heal from their trauma. The program is aimed at creating a safe space for victims to come together, find strength and support each other on their recovery journey.
Passionate about helping women find their light and live life to their fullest potential again, Kierstyn and Tiffany have been named Top 10 Relationship Coaches Transforming Lives by Yahoo Finance and have also been featured in publications like Vogue and SHAPE. Their social media platforms along with The Relationship Recovery podcast reaches thousands of people worldwide, giving a voice to those that have been stifled and drained of all hope and love for life and themselves. Kierstyn and Tiffany's life mission to help survivors of abuse, is rooted in their own traumatic experiences with domestic abuse.

Tiffany Denny is a survivor of domestic violence, narcissistic abuse and infidelity. Today, she is a mother of 6 children and a grandma to 9 grandchildren, living just out of Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband Tim, and her golden retrievers Roscoe and Ruby. Having found her strength and herself after experiencing trauma, Tiffany became specialised in helping others heal and find themselves after their own relationship trauma. She inspires thousands of women worldwide to confront their deeply rooted pain in a safe and comfortable way. The co-author of the newly released book: The Breakup Book of Affirmations: Words of Encouragement to Help You Move On is passionate about giving women the right resources needed to re-establish their lives. She believes that everyone is deserving of a safe and loving relationship.
Having suffered from a painful divorce, emotional abuse and infidelity, Kierstyn Franklin is also a survivor of domestic abuse and has made it her life mission to help people heal from toxic relationships. Today, Kierstyn is happily married to her husband TJ and a proud mom to three kids: Luke, Grey and Cece. Being in a loving and caring relationship, Kierstyn feels empowered to help women heal and enjoy a sustainable and warm relationship. As a certified life and health coach, she is also passionate about empowering women in business. Using her proven mindset shift methods combined with her knowledge of over 15 years in the small business sales and social media marketing space, she loves encouraging people to turn their passions into impactful careers and coaching small business owners to thrive.

Kierstyn decided to take an active stance and change her life when she came across a quote that would follow her for a long time: "We accept the love we think we deserve." This statement profoundly impacted her life. While she believed she deserved a more fulfilling life involving a loving relationship, a successful career, and personal growth, she took note that she subconsciously did not believe this to be true. From this point on she decided to be the main character in her life, as opposed to a hapless, passive side character taking the beating of life. Taking her life into her own hands, she started going to therapy, embarking on a life-long journey of self-love and recovery.
At therapy, Kierstyn discovered the most effective healing method was talking to other women who shared the same experience. These women understand each others' suffering and can give advice that is based on their experience and practical work that has helped them grow and heal. A vital first step of courage is to confront the trauma and sharing their experience with those who can relate allows the victims to realise that they are not alone. This is where the idea to bring women together to help each other in a safe and loving community came from. Community members are able to support, mentor and empower each other at any step in their healing journey.

Both Kierstyn and Tiffany realised the lack of resources available to help victims of abuse in their relationships. This realisation encouraged them to create a program with proven techniques to help people heal after a broken heart through community and a mindset change. Having achieved accelerating growth in their careers with The Relationship Recovery Program, their book The Breakup Book of Affirmations: Words of Encouragement to Help You Move On, and the The Relationship Recovery podcast, the female powerhouses show thousands of women that positive change is possible and serve as an inspiration to turn pain into strength.
Despite the topic of domestic abuse being a rather heavy and complex topic to discuss, Kierstyn and Tiffany designed The Relationship Recovery Program to be easily processed and encourage people to access resources on what to do when they feel stuck after going through a traumatic relationship. Its massive success inspired Kierstyn and Tiffany to increase their reach to further victims of abuse around the world, with an aim to provide a safe space for them to heal. That is why in March 2023, The Relationship Recovery launched the The Reclaim You App. The purpose of the App is to provide concrete guidance to people who are seeking to either leave toxic relationships or have left them, and don't know what to do next. Instead of solely resting on advice and theory, the App provides tools that allow survivors to take action after an abusive relationship. Whether it be access to therapy resources, a community to rely on or even information on legal resources and protection, the video series is designed to propel survivors forward. The user can sign up for a 7 day free trial to familiarise themselves with the App prior to subscribing.

The Reclaim You App is designed to provide education, healing modalities, and more to heal your relationship with yourself after a relationship trauma. Whether that's a divorce or breakup, a betrayal of a family member, a friendship gone wrong, or even the abandonment of one's self. The App will include coaching sessions, challenges, motivational videos, meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, and more.
The empowering stories behind Kierstyn and Tiffany have deservingly granted them worldwide recognition. Having lived through difficulties in their past relationships, grounded in abuse and violence, these women understand the profound pain, fear and hopelessness that many women feel worldwide. It is people like Kierstyn and Tiffany who raise the light for thousands of people and set an example on how one can transform their life for the better. Their Relationship Recovery Program shows how people can help and encourage each other as a community to share their stories and recover. After a time of traumatic experiences, the program and The Reclaim You App is the first exposure to genuine love and care, creating hope one day at a time.