In 2017, Tigran Bayburtsyan set out on a solo motorcycle tour from Tallinn, Estonia to Lyon, France. Along the way, he met many people, went to Oktoberfest in Germany, and struggled to fix his broken-down bike. He also built a software product called TreeScale. Although riding a motorcycle isn't exactly conducive to whipping out a computer and coding technical features, Tigran was just as passionate about the product as he was about his trip, so he found the time along the way.
TreeScale was an open-source project that was the first micro-service communication library for the Rust programming language. After creating TreeScale, Tigran's career opened up in ways that he had never expected. He was invited to speak at conferences, became globally recognized in the technology space, and set himself apart as a software scalability expert. Because of this reputation that was built while motorcycling across Europe, his future endeavors found success with ease.
Tigran studied applied mathematics at Yerevan State University, and during that time, he began working as a backend software developer. Upon graduating, his life took a different road, and for two years he explored different fields and experienced new projects. However, it was clear to Tigran what his passion was:, he got back behind a computer screen and started programming. He had missed it; it's what makes him feel truly alive.
TestedBrain, one of the first projects Tigran ever built from the ground up, was an Armenian online skill testing platform that companies used to conduct initial screening tests for new candidates. For over a year, Tigran was giving away his product for free and making absolutely no money from the endeavor. To support himself, he started focusing on IT consulting, but luckily, in 2014, a Russian HR company bought TestedBrain from Tigran, and he finally saw a monetary return on the project.
A few years later, in 2018, Tigran broke into the food delivery market in Yerevan. He hadn't worked in the industry before, but he was confident that a seamless software design could redefine how food delivery in this area operated. Beyond gaining confidence while finding success in a new market, Tigran learned how to manage a large team and bootstrap a company from scratch. When the company was ready to be purchased, a successful sales process took place. Today, Tigran's original creation is a prominent produce delivery company in Armenia.
The most recent creation to come from Tigran's creativity is Blockpulsar Inc. It started as a way to automate data collection within blockchain infrastructures, but since the market wasn't ready for that technology, Blockpulsar faced a challenge: adapt or die. To no one's surprise, successful adaptation soon followed. Now, the platform focuses on automating business activity for a range of organizations. This powerful automation engine provides a number of automation tools and integrates seamlessly with business systems, making it easy to automate many types of tasks.
With many organizations facing starting a journey toward digital transformation, the tools that Blockpulsar provides are vital to the future of every industry. Saving time leads to lower costs; lower costs lead to higher profits and better business performance. The ability to automate tasks is one of the foundational components of digital transformation, but without a technical team in-house, it can be difficult to achieve. Blockpulsar evens the playing field by coordinating the automation of simple tasks and making new processes more accessible than ever.
Tigran has used programming as his superpower, designing and building a number of successful companies through technological products. He's constantly thinking of how to solve tomorrow's problems before they arise and has made it clear that no matter the environment, he will find success - even if that environment is a motorcycle repair shop in a different country.