'Pokemon Scarlet & Violet' DLC Leak: New Paradox Lineup, Content, Kalos Rumors, and More

Take it with a grain of salt even though it's exciting to hear.

"Pokemon Scarlet and Violet" fans have another leak to see ahead of the release of the unannounced DLC expansion pass.

According to the latest report, there is a handful of new Paradox Pokemon that will enter the game. The rumor also suggests that we could see new modes that many are hoping to be available in the game.

'Pokemon SV' DLC Leak New Paradox Forms

'Pokemon Scarlet & Violet' DLC Leak: New Paradox Lineup, Content, Kalos Rumors, and More
The rumors circling around "Pokemon Scarlet & Violet's' DLC pass hints that more Paradox Pokemon are coming to Paldea soon. The Pokemon Company

According to a YouTube video from HDVee, a YouTuber who regularly uploads clips about Pokemon, the freshly-released download content for "Scarlet and Violet" will be launched along with the Patch 1.2 during the Pokemon Day.

In his 13-minute clip, he discovered that there are six new Paradox Pokemon that will debute into the game.

So far we only have Iron Treads, Iron Bundle, Iron Hands, Iron Jugulis, Iron Moth, Iron Thorns and Miraidon as Violet version exclusives (future forms).

For Scarlet players, we have Great Tusk, Brute Bonnet, Flutter Mane, Scream Tail, Slither Wing, Sandy Shocks, and Koraidon (ancient forms).

The newest DLC leak reveals that we are getting the following Pokemon. Two of them have appeared in "Scarlet and Violet" books.

  • Paradox Suicuine: Water/Dragon = Raging Waters
  • Paradox Virizion: Psychic/Grass = Iron Needle
  • Paradox Kommo-O: Dragon/Bug = Clatter Wyrm
  • Paradox Metagross: Steel/Electric = Iron Spider
  • Paradox Houndoom: Fire/Dark = Gloomy Hydra
  • Paradox Heliolisk: Electric/Dragon = Iron Typhon

The same source says that the mysterious disk Pokemon will be Peitorial which will resemble a crystal turtle. It will be the next legendary antagonist which will strike fear in the heart of the Paldean people.

'Pokemon Teal' Free DLC?

Another anonymous source reveals that there's a free DLC pass for "Pokemon Scarlet and Violet." Players will receive a Rotom Phone case themed "Gengar vs Nidorino," inspired from the FireRed/LeafGreen intro clip.

As part of the 1000 celebration, the rumor suggests that we can soon transfer 1,000 Pokemon to the new game but not each of them will be registered to the Pokedex.

Regarding the performance issues, GameFreak might release improved optimization for frame rate improvement and further camera fixes.

Additionally, Miraidon and Koraidon allegedly have access to Rock Smash, Waterfall, Dive, Defog, Sweet Scent, and Cut, according to the rumor.

Another interesting leak about the two main legendary Pokemon could point out the existence of Cryptid Miraizion and Koraicune, a pair of hybrid Pokemon.

If this is true, we could possibly see a new Battle Frontier facility owned by Nemona's family. The place is called "Coco Coastal Resort."

Can We See Kalos in the Next DLC?

According to the leaker, the Season Pass DLC will not include Kalos as an extended region in Paldea. However, Korrina might return to the game and she might open a battle facility of her own.

The rumor adds that Elite Four Mode and Champion Mode will soon be available. Other notable modes such as Paldea Wildlands and The Legend of the Giants Path will be allegedly included, as well.

Since these are just leaks, it's important to take them with a grain of salt. It's okay to speculate, but do not exceed your expectations once Nintendo announces the real information about the "Pokemon S/V" DLC.

If you're into more leaks, you can check Khu's Riddle School in Titan on Twitter for more scoops. This leaker was already featured by ComicBook in its article last Jan. 23.

Joseph Henry
Tech Times
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