How GRYN Helps Businesses Reduce Supply Chain Carbon Emissions

How GRYN Helps Businesses Reduce Supply Chain Carbon Emissions
How GRYN Helps Businesses Reduce Supply Chain Carbon Emissions

In the past decade, there has been a big push for sustainability. Among other things, climate change is receiving a lot more attention, there is a push for renewable energies, and there is an effort to reduce carbon emissions. This is why, in 2022, GRYN launched a platform that enables a completely transparent overview and analysis of supply chain carbon emissions.

Amid a global pandemic, supply chain issues, an energy crisis, a potential economic crisis, and a host of other issues, climate change is still one of the most pressing problems humanity is currently facing. More than 15,000 scientists from 184 countries around the world have already signed a scientific report from 2017 outlining the severity of the situation.

Additionally, a report that was published in October 2022 states that "humanity is unequivocally facing a climate emergency." According to this report, 16 of the 35 variables that are used to track earth's planetary vital signs are at record extremes.

Fortunately, many people and businesses are already trying to reduce humanity's impact on the environment and the climate. One of these companies that are trying to build a sustainable future is GRYN.

Why businesses should cut supply chain carbon emissions

In order for sustainability to be a core part of society, a lot of changes have to happen. Tools that enable sustainability need to be easy to understand and access. Additionally, companies need to be able to seamlessly integrate them into their operations.

The CDP Global Supply Chain Report 2020 states that supply chain greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 were, on average, 11.4 times higher than operational emissions. Considering that supply chain emissions were only 5.5 times higher than operational emissions in 2019, this is a big increase.

With its AI-powered technology, GRYN can help companies drastically decrease their carbon emissions. The platform does this by identifying Scope 1, 2, and 3 emission hotspots through the automatic collection and analysis of data sets from internal and external stakeholders.

With most greenhouse gas emissions being produced through supply chains, which are counted as indirect or Scope 3 emissions, it's important to have an accurate and complete overview of all emissions in order to reduce them. GRYN constantly calculates a company's CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) emissions to provide a real-time overview of the impact its operations are having on the climate and the environment.

How GRYN helps companies reduce greenhouse gas emissions

GRYN is designed to help companies tackle the complex topics of climate change and sustainability in a simple and efficient way. The platform's plug-and-play system eliminates the need for expensive consultants and increases data management efficiency.

Companies can easily share their data with all of their stakeholders and partners, and they get guided through the measuring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, GRYN offers clear and actionable recommendations to reduce emissions.

The platform's dashboard provides businesses with insights into various emission categories, which they can utilize to identify and analyze the areas where they create the largest CO2e output. Further, GRYN automatically benchmarks carbon emission performance over time, identifies improvement areas, and calculates the costs of meeting emission goals.

In addition to maximizing efficiency in regard to reducing current greenhouse gas emissions, GRYN also enables faster progress when it comes to future sustainability. Since businesses can share data with their partners and stakeholders and assign activities on the platform, they can more easily cooperate and work on their emission goals together.

Additionally, the platform automatically manages all deadlines and data management related to carbon reporting. GRYN also provides companies with ways to offset carbon emissions that either can't be reduced or avoided at the moment.

The future of sustainable businesses

With the undeniable effects of climate change that are already wreaking havoc, it's only a matter of time before sentiments and regulations around the world will change. So, future-oriented businesses with a focus on sustainability, like GRYN, will continue to gain traction. Consumers are already putting more importance on sustainability, and investors are following suit.

GRYN is building a global sustainability network and is looking to set a new standard for sustainable logistics in order to protect the environment. With its outstanding user experience and AI-powered technology, the platform is making sustainability and information about greenhouse gas emissions more accessible and more easily actionable. This enables companies all over the world to efficiently and effectively reduce their emissions.

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