CES 2023 will soon celebrate the top innovations in the world, and one of its featured technology is the 'Proto M,' a real-life hologram technology that beams users to their virtual presentations and meetings. It comes from the Los Angeles tech firm called Proto, and the company has already proven that it is capable to do so in its demonstrations.
Proto's creation is already a two-time CES Innovation Awards Honoree for Digital Health, and while it is mostly used by medical schools and practitioners, there is a massive application for its M device for the virtual world.
Proto bags Another CES Innovation Award Recognition

Proto is yet again, a recipient of the CES Innovation Awards for 2023, with the committee recently announcing its induction earlier this week. The best thing about the company's hologram technology is that it is already available to the public and different companies that need virtual representations for remote applications.
Its significant contributions to the Digital Health category are because of its massive use in medical schools, as it is not only capable of showing people, but also complex X-rays and 3D medical diagrams.
The company's latest product, Proto Vision, already delivers a real-time diagnosis of even the slightest symptoms that patients display when on telehealth with their physicians.
It is also used by some Fortune 500 companies, museums, artists, and other institutions.
What is the Proto Holographic Device?
The company has two previous tech already available, the Proto Epic and the Proto M, and these already serves one's window to the metaverse and other forms of virtual connection.
The Proto M is available $6,900 for all the needs for a holo representation for a tabletop experience, with the Vision and Epic soon available on its shops.
Holograms and the Virtual World
Holograms are not exactly new in the technological world, and these virtual representations of figures of various stuff including people, animals, technology, and other items are already paraded in the world. One of the most famous is the giant three-dimensional cat that appeared on the famed Shinjuku Metro in Tokyo, Japan.
Using light, mirrors, and image-bending capabilities, one can effectively make a 3D object appear out in the air. Previously there was a company called "RED" that designed a holographic-display smartphone which can make things look like it is there in front of you.
As far as hologram goes, many developments in the world attempt a virtual 3D representation of objects, given the right materials.
Proto's Hologram is already a technology that many institutions and companies use for their virtual needs, with the device seeing another showcase via the CES for two years now.
People can own the Proto setup via its shop and experience their digital step into the metaverse and make it more so that they are present in another location.
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