Elon Musk Starts Poll to Step Down as Twitter CEO—Will He Actually Do It?

If this poll agrees to him leaving the platform, who will be Twitter's next CEO?

Elon Musk is letting the world decide whether he would stay on social media as its leader and CEO, and this is via the latest Twitter poll that he started today. The recent post still has a long 23 hours to go before the final tally of results, and the Twitter CEO said that he would "abide" by what the people would decide in the votes.

It centers on the many decisions that take place on the platform, one where there are massive decisions that change the company's policies, one that would require allowing the public to decide before actions take place.

Elon Musk Started a Poll on him Stepping Down as Twitter CEO

Elon Musk
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Late this Sunday afternoon, Elon Musk decided to ask the public on Twitter via a poll that will determine the future of the platform.

It asked if he should step down as Twitter's head or remain, with yes or no choices available for the public. It still has 23 hours to decide whether he would stay as its leader or find a replacement fitting for leading the company.

Chief Twit said that he would "abide" by whatever the result is, as evidenced by past polls which asked the public about certain moves and changes made by the company.

Is he Already Finding a Replacement to Lead Twitter?

In the Tesla and SpaceX CEO's words, it is not about "finding a CEO," but looking for a fitting leader that could "keep Twitter alive" once he steps down and loses on the poll. Of course, this poll has a 50:50 chance to kick Musk out of Twitter or let him remain as its leader, and there should already have plans or countermeasures for this, especially in filling the role he may leave behind, as this poll ends on Monday afternoon.

Elon Musk and Twitter's Polls

The Twitter Polls feature has been long used by different accounts to ask about random things, like what to eat for dinner or will they, won't go to an event, with many companies and their leaders also using it. And while some use it for the most basic topics with a yes or no option, Elon Musk has used it to ask the public's opinions on controversial ones.

An example of the most significant one is the major Twitter changes that asked regarding reinstating previously banned accounts on the platform, to which people agreed to return the platform.

Before Chief Twit stepped in as the new Twitter CEO after the acquisition, it was known that he was fond of asking the public for their opinions via the polls on the short-word social media. Back in April, he started a poll that talked about bringing the long-awaited feature on the platform regarding an edit button for tweets, one that also got people agreeing to it.

Musk had massive powers before as Twitter's largest shareholder and there are things he can suggest to the company regarding the polls he made. However, after the takeover, the top billionaire has the absolute power to apply these changes, as decided by the people, always pointing to the Latin phrase "Vox Populi, Vox Dei."

And with Chief Twit claiming that he will honor all the poll's results, the godly voice of the people will soon determine if Musk is to remain or flee from Twitter.

Isaiah Richard
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