'Pokemon Go' Team Rocket Leader Giovanni Guide: Best Counters and Weaknesses

Here's how to effectively defeat the Team Rocket boss in "Pokemon Go."

Team GO Rocket leader Giovanni remains a huge threat to "Pokemon Go" players who want to advance in the game. Unlike other trainers with average Pokemon, his Pokemon lineup strikes fear into the heart of the challengers.

While taking him down is difficult, the rewards you can receive when you beat him outweigh your struggles.

If you're looking for a guide to defeating Giovanni in "Pokemon GO," here's an article that will help you in your journey against the notorious gang leader from the Kanto region.

How to Defeat Rocket Leader Giovanni

'Pokemon Go' Team Rocket Leader Giovanni Guide: Best Counters and Weaknesses
Learn more about the best counters for Giovanni's lineup in "Pokemon Go." Pokemon Go Live

Giovanni remains one of the most iconic villains to enter the Pokemon world. He is known for his evil desires with Team Rocket everywhere.

In "Pokemon Go," his backstory does not change. In fact, he always has Persian beside him, which you can also see in the game.

According to Sportskeeda, Giovanni always sends out this big cat during the match. The succeeding Pokemon in his lineup will be Steelix, Rhyperior, or Nidoqueen. The final phase will allow you to square off with his Shadow Mewtwo, the most powerful Pokemon he has.

How to Counter Persian

As a Normal-type Pokemon, Persian is immune to Ghost-type attacks but is very weak against Fighting-type moves. To beat this cat, use the following Pokemon.

  • Machamp - Fast Move Counter and Charged Move Dynamic Punch
  • Lucario - Fast Move Counter and Charged Move Aura Sphere
  • Conkeldurr - Fast Move Counter and Charged Move Focus Blast
  • Sirfetch'd - Fast Move Counter and Charged Move Close Combat
  • Hariyama - Fast Move Counter and Charged Move Dynamic Punch

How to Counter Rhyperior

Rhyperior, being a natural Rock Pokemon, has a very high defense. Its secondary Ground-typing is a double-edged sword. Although it's immune to Electric attacks, Water-type moves will be twice more effective on it.

  • Kyogre - Fast Move Waterfall and Charged Move Surf
  • Empoleon - Fast Move Waterfall and Charged Move Hydro Cannon
  • Torterra - Fast Move Razor Leaf and Charged Move Frenzy Plant
  • Swampert - Fast Move Mud Shot and Charged Move Hydro Cannon
  • Roserade - Fast Move Razor Leaf and Charged Move Solar Beam
  • Greninja - Fast Move Bubble and Charged Move Surf

How to Counter Nidoqueen

This Poison-Ground Pokemon might have a huge physical defense, but you can burst her if you use elemental attacks such as Ice and Water. You can also use Ground moves to render her helpless.

  • Gyarados - Fast Move Waterfall and Charged Move Hydro Pump
  • Glaceon - Fast Move Ice Shard and Charged Move Avalanche
  • Mewtwo - Fast Move Psycho Cut and Charged Move Psystrike
  • Espeon - Fast Move Confusion and Charged Move Psychic
  • Kyogre - Fast Move Waterfall and Charged Move Surf

How to Counter Steelix

Defeating Steelix is easy if you have a high SP Attacker with Water or Fire moves. Fighting-type moves also work wonders.

  • Reshiram - Fast Move Fire Fang and Charged Move Overheat
  • Chandelure - Fast Move Fire Spin and Charged Move Overheat
  • Swampert - Fast Move Mud Shot and Charged Move Hydro Cannon
  • Lucario - Fast Move Counter and Charged Move Aura Sphere
  • Conkeldurr - Fast Move Counter and Charged Move Focus Blast

How to Counter Steelix

Mewtwo has a high base SP Attack as a Psychic-type Pokemon, but you can easily take it down if you have Bug, Dark, or Ghost-type Pokemon in your Party.

  • Darkrai - Fast Move Snarl and Charged Move Dark Pulse
  • Gengar - Fast Move Lick and Charged Move Shadow Ball
  • Chandelure - Fast Move Hex and Charged Move Shadow Ball
  • Yveltal - Fast Move Snarl and Charged Move Dark Pulse
  • Hydreigon - Fast Move Bite and Charged Move Brutal Swing

For the upcoming Pokemon GO Mythic Blade event through Dec. 11, expect to see Keldeo and Crabrawler's debut in the game.

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