This Company Wants To Bring Back The Art Of Letter Writing

The thought of sending handwritten letters to a loved one is incredibly romantic. There's something so personal and intimate about it.

But these days, you're lucky if someone bothers to write some sort of greeting before he or she jumps right into the body of the email. Electronic correspondence obviously has its benefits. It's fast. It's easy. It's cheap. However, nothing gives you chills like staring into the cold, sobering Sans Serif type of an email.

What if we could send handwritten letters in a way that was just as easy as hitting "Send" on an email? New York-based company Bond has made all of that wishing and hoping a reality with robots that do the writing for you.

You read that correctly. Robots really are taking over the world. Just head over to Bond's website, choose your stationery and handwriting style, type in your message and send off your note to a special someone. Bond even provides some inspiration for a message in case you're having a bad case of writer's block.

What's even more exciting though is that Bond recently rolled out a service to have the robots create notes with your own handwriting. After you send back a handwriting sample to the company, the robot will study everything about it, from how you create the letters to spacing to distance from the margins, according to Fast Company. You can even draw or select a doodle to give your letter even more of a personal touch.

Once Bond receives your message, a robot will literally take a pen in hand and write out your letter. The robots write each letter one at a time, which means that no two notes will look the same, just as if a person was penning them.

To me, sitting down and writing out one letter does not take that much time, so the effort and money (right now, it costs $199 to have the Bond robots analyze your handwriting) it takes to use this company to send a letter to someone doesn't seem worth it to me. (To choose one of the generic handwriting styles it costs $2.99 a card). I also feel like you would have to be pretty lazy to use this service. Just saying.

Part of the allure of receiving a handwritten note is also the fact that it took time and energy to write it. Sure, if the robot recreates your handwriting so convincingly, the recipient may never know that you didn't write the letter yourself, but you'll know.

However, where it seems like Bond will find the most success is among businesses, who could use the service for bulk mailings. As we've already discussed, receiving a handwritten letter in the mail makes people feel special, which could work in a company's favor. Right now, most of the company's orders come from businesses, according to Fast Company.

If the thought of robots taking over every aspect of our lives still freaks you out, you can always just take matters into your own hands. Bond also offers lessons to help you improve your handwriting with the company's handwriting experts. That'll really stick it to the robo-man.

Image: Kevin Walsh / Flickr

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