'Red Dead Redemption 2' Surpasses Record for New Players, Rockstar To Reward Players in Christmas Update

Don't forget to sign in to get these Christmas-exclusive rewards!

Rockstar Games announces a new milestone with its current high number of Red Dead Redemption 2 players.

Three years since its launch on PC platforms, Red Dead Redemption 2 has beaten its previous record of the highest number of concurrent gamers. This record-breaking number of concurrent players is the result of a fresh influx of new players who have recently discovered the game.

Clutch Points reports that the big wave of new players may be due to the Steam autumn sale that took place from Nov. 22 to Nov. 29, when Red Dead Redemption 2 went on sale for a whopping 67% off.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Hits Record for Highest Number of Concurrent Players

Publisher Take-Two Interactive revealed earlier this year that Red Dead Redemption 2 had sold over 45 million copies since its release, according to IGN. The recent upsurge in players was likely spurred on by Steam's seasonal Autumn sale, which reduced the game by 67%.

Red Dead Redemption 2's initial record previously had 55,000 players when it launched on Steam in 2019. However, according to a report from Eurogamer, there are 66,492 concurrent players on Red Dead Redemption 2 on Steam as of Nov. 27.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Christmas Update Rewards

In addition to having many new people logging in for the first time, Rockstar is getting into the Christmas spirit by adding new limited-time rewards and activities. Whenever players complete a bounty, they'll earn 3x Character and Role XP, and those who complete The Covington Emerald will earn 2x money and XP from now until January 2, 2023.

Rockstar intends to give out various goodies in recognition of this new record, including seasonal attire, weaponry, emotes, and more. By logging into Red Dead Online with the Winter version from Dec. 12 to Dec. 26, players can receive several rewards.

According to Gamespot, here is the timeline of Red Dead Redemption 2's Christmas rewards:

Dec. 6 - 12

  • Free Coat

Dec. 13 - 19

  • 2,000 Bounty Hunter Role XP

Dec. 20 - 26

  • 3 Gold Bars
  • Red Version of the Leavitt Jacket (If a Moonshiner Sale is complete)
  • Green Version of the Morales Vest (Must reach wave 7 in A Merry Call to Arms)

Dec. 27 - January 2, 2023

  • Free Emote
  • 50% selected weapons at Gus' Store
  • $100 (Once a Role Challenge is completed)

Players will also be able to purchase the following cosmetics throughout December:

  • Grayshott Pants (Male) or Prairie Skirt (Female)
  • Sobol Hat
  • Collar Overshirt (Male) or Huerta Shirtwaist (Female)
  • Crutchfield Suspenders
  • Neckerchief

Additionally, here are the featured series that will be available in the game until January 2, 2023:

  • Nov. 29 - Dec. 5: Hardcore Elimination Series
  • Dec. 6 - 12: Gun Rush Teams (Hardcore)
  • Dec. 13 - 19: Festive Series 1
  • Dec. 20 - January 2, 2023: Festive Series 2

In-game shop discounts for December:

  • 10 Gold Bars off the Prestigious Bounty Hunter License
  • 50% off all Novice, Promising, & Established Bounty Hunter Role Items
  • 50% off - Rifles
  • 50% off - Breton Horses
  • 40% off - Arabian Horses
  • 50% off - Bounty Hunter Wagon
  • 50% off - Trinkets from Gus' Store
  • 50% off - Shirts
  • 50% off - Gloves
  • 50% off - Corsets
  • 50% off - Dresses
  • 50% off - Hats
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