Brain Map: Researchers Created a Detailed Look Into the Hippocampus, a.k.a the Brain's Memory Center

One of the most complex and trivial parts of the body is getting a guide.

Researchers from the University of Sydney in Australia have created a new brain map that will help with the famed memory center of the grey matter, centering on the hippocampus and its interconnectivity with other parts.

The hippocampus is responsible for the brain's long-term and short-term memory retention, something which now sees a detailed map that will help researchers and the medical industry. This part also controls spatial memory, something which is responsible for keeping track of locations and remembering certain places.

Brain Map: New Detailed Look Into the Brain's Memory Center

BUDDHI Kumar SHRESTHA on Unsplash

A paper published in eLife by a team from the University of Sydney's Brain and Mind Center claims to have developed a brain map with a detailed look into the brain's memory center.

The paper entitled "New insights into anatomical connectivity along the anterior-posterior axis of the human hippocampus using in vivo quantitative fibre tracking" details the findings of this study.

The researchers were able to see how the hippocampus is connected to different parts of the brain, and how important it is for a person's memory.

Additionally, this research is a massive leap towards understanding more of the brain and how it retains memories, storing them in the area known as the "memory center."

Detailed Map of the Brain: How Was It Made?

The researchers were able to map the brain with the help of the Human Connectome Project (HCP) which was spearheaded by the University of Southern California. The study found that there are only a few connections between the hippocampus and the brain's frontal area, as it is previously perceived to have significant connections there as it is responsible for voluntary movements and massive processes.

Brain Map and Neuroscience

Researchers are centering on technology and innovation to help them understand more of things and human processes in the modern world, also utilizing it for one of the most complex organs in the body. Several studies are centering on a brain map to learn more about it, as well as develop certain treatments or procedures for various disorders.

One study before centers on revealing the locations of cells in the motor cortex to help those suffering from Alzheimer's disease, as well as the famed Lou Gehrig's disease or ALS.

There are multiple brain studies at the present now, and it centers on improving or getting to know the grey matter organ more, especially with the present technology available. One project centers on allowing the brain to connect with friends through a neural link, something that is only seen in sci-fi movies or media before.

The Brain Map helps find ways to tap into the memory center, something that would help brain diseases like dementia, in finding answers and treatments for it. The team's map helps determine different details that are unknown to many, with better navigation of the brain with this recent development in neuroscience.

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Written by Isaiah Richard

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