As technology and education advance, individuals have sought methods to make knowledge transmission easier, faster, and more productive. Luckily, we're in the digital age where we have the chance to use technology to improve learning. VR in education appears to be the next candidate to revolutionize learning. To see it for yourself, we reviewed how the Veative EDUPRO Virtual Reality in education solution, jointly created by DPVR, can transform how educators present educational information to learners.
How Can VR Be Used in Education?
Virtual reality in education improves student learning and engagement. That's because the concept is built on the idea of creating a virtual environment, actual or fictional, that allows users to not only view but also interact with that concept. VR in education lets students get immersed in what they're studying.

Throughout the process, students are more encouraged to achieve total comprehension with rewarding visuals and experience. And because they're having fun while learning, they can absorb more knowledge with a reduced cognitive burden.
There is no alternative to being there when learning about specific lessons requiring physical presence and personal input. This makes it one of the most significant advantages of VR in education. While conventional visuals and movies are considerably superior to text, this is where virtual reality in education, as exemplified by the Veative EDUPRO VR headset, truly shines.
To do this, Veative provides a learning management platform with distinct profiles for students, instructors, and administrators. Teachers stay involved in their students' learning by using actionable analytics. The platform was created to provide teachers with an easy method to set up sessions while simultaneously receiving statistics on success and identifying gaps in comprehension.
Veative collaborated with DPVR to develop the world's first XR CHIP-enabled VR headset tailored for educational usage. This virtual reality technology intends to make education more immersive and to create experiences that no regular classroom can provide.
The Veative EDUPRO VR Headset
The Veative EduPro was designed primarily for teaching and learning, unlike practically all other VR products designed for gaming or entertainment. Veative began as a device-agnostic company, but the market revealed that every device had challenges with education.

Then there came the world's first XR CHIP-equipped educational VR headset built for educational usage, and it has the following major features:
Key Features
It has a built-in mobile device management system.
You can use it in any way you see fit, and let teachers customize lessons on their own.
It offers pre-loaded materials to get teachers started right away while eliminating the need for streaming.
The operating system is intended for educational usage, and there is 6 GB of RAM available.
All interactive content modules are on-board , so there is no need to be concerned about internet connection failures.
128 GB of storage space allows teachers to add additional VR instructional resources.
If the controller is misplaced, there is a touchpad on the side of the headset.
This VR education comes with three DoF or degrees of freedom. That means mobility is limited, allowing this VR solution to be up and running in any place, wherever teachers are. There is no need for a separate room for VR.

This provides the most flexibility and cost-efficiency for schools worldwide. It is private and safe, and it can be used by all learners of all ages and abilities , even those with special needs, using one controller to manage the virtual environment.
Benefits of VR in Education
Easy to deploy
Encourages hands-on, experiential learning
Accessible through either the VR headset or browser
The VR headset can operate offline, so there is no need to stream content
With 543 STEM courses and 22 Tours, Veative has the largest library of standards-aligned, curriculum-focused, learning modules
Pre-installed formative evaluation enables teachers to track progress and pinpoint learning gaps, enabling early identification of gaps, and easy remediation
Short learning curve since it is simple to incorporate into existing classes and for students and teachers to learn
The technology, software, and platform are all designed with education in mind
The Veative EDUPRO is unlike other virtual reality devices designed for games and enjoyment alone. Besides that, compared to other virtual reality in education, there is also little consideration for what content is provided. Fortunately, this VR in education solution includes the world's biggest collection of the most immersive and interactive STEM material.

Virtual Reality in Education Content
The VR content collection includes 543 STEM courses and 22 virtual tours, each providing students with an immersive, interactive experience. It also offers built-in formative evaluations that provide immediate feedback on student understanding.
Online Management Platform
Teachers can use this to create classes, add students to those classes, and then assign topics. They can also examine student activities within the given courses with a set of reports and data. Built-in formative assessment inside each module generates these reports.

WebXR Access
It's an add-on that enables instructors and students to utilize the whole content library available on the web on any PC or Chromebook, equipped with a keyboard and mouse (no VR headset needed). While not as immersive as a virtual reality school environment, the same interactive curriculum and built-in evaluations are accessible anytime, from any location. These can even be assigned as homework.

VR for ELL
It's a virtual environment where students can study and improve their English speaking abilities without being judged, while increasing confidence in real-world circumstances.
How Is VR Changing Education?
Providing a distraction-free environment for learners with or without attention deficit disorders is critical. A Veative VR experience's immersive setting fosters prolonged attention and a higher degree of concentration. Most importantly, Veative's VR education solution also enables students with special needs to learn at their own pace, in an environment devoid of distractions and judgment.

Learning in a virtual environment helps students become more relaxed and less stressed. Learning using virtual reality improves motivation and cognitive abilities and makes classes more interesting.
For just around $500 for the Veative EDUPRO VR Headset and less than $10/yr/user for the VR solution, both teachers and their pupils can resolve low comprehension and engagement in class.