North Korea is now in the final stages of a nuclear weapons test preparation, as reported by Nikkei Asia. To make way for this, there is a need to excavate an underground tunnel and test triggering devices.

Continuous Movements in North Korea
The UNSC Panel of Experts reported movements involving its nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile tests that have been observed in line with how the North's Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea has announced that it would "promptly examine the issue of restarting all temporarily suspended activities" in January, according to The Korea Herald.
In addition to these recent developments, North Korea has also expanded its production capability for nuclear fissile materials at the Yongbyon nuclear testing site.
In March 2022, the country began the excavation at the entrance to Tunnel 3 t the Punggye-ri nuclear test site. They also reconstructed the dismantled support buildings there.
Also, according to the panel, Pyongyang continued to use the 5-megawatt rector based on satellite imagery that showed the reactor discharging cooling water since July 2021. There were also vehicles spotted moving around the reactor.
Pyongyang just fired a missile over Japan for the first time in five years while they find ways to evade international sanctions. Although the activities are nonbinding, they could prompt the Security Council or UN member nations to call for tougher sanctions.
Moreover, North Korea is accused of its continuous petroleum product importation that violates international sanctions. This leads to the possibility that the cargo has ballast tanks and has been reconfigured into multiple oil tanks with concrete installed in the vessel's bottom to avoid detection.
It also has been reported that Pyongyang continued with its cyber activities with two major hacks that took place this year. There were also North Korean students abroad that are sending back technical information on weapons to their countries.
The UNSC Panel was established in 2009 to support the council's sanctions committee on North Korea. Members include experts from the US, China, France, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom. The report is published twice a year.
The panel's report stated that North Korea is violating resolutions passed by the United Nations unanimously. It also mentioned that the international sanctions are not stringent enough to really punish Pyongyang for its weapons.
North Korea has long argued that it needs nuclear weapon capability and has no interest in denuclearization. They considered the capability as their only leverage to deal with the US. The country made a nuclear test as a reaction to what they considered a threat from the US.
Moreover, North Korea also said that they are nuclear weapons are the only strategic asset they have in order to counter their enemies. They are also willing to trade away their capability if they are guaranteed security by their enemies.
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Written by April Fowell