‘Horizon Zero Dawn’ Remake Coming Soon for PS5, Reports Claim—Fans Want ‘Bloodborne’ Instead

Why not Bloodborne, Sony?

"Horizon Zero Dawn's" PlayStation 5 remake is reportedly in the works, and Sony is allegedly prioritizing this game for players to experience the famous 2017 open world in the latest console of the company. However, it is not that appealing to most fans as they demand another game to get a remake, and it is with FromSoftware's 2015 masterpiece, "Bloodborne."

'Horizon Zero Dawn' PS5 Remake Reportedly Coming

Horizon Zero Dawn

MP1st reported on a new development from Sony and PlayStation's plans for a game's future remake, and it is allegedly for "Horizon Zero Dawn" from Guerilla Games. This new title will arrive on the PlayStation 5, intended to rework its lighting, textures, graphics, and overall development of the game for the latest-generation console.

One of the most interesting parts of this remake is the availability of the multiplayer mode for "Zero Dawn," and it will feature a new experience available for gamers in this next remake.

Apart from making it available for the PS5 with cosmetic enhancements and developments for the title, it will also focus its integration for the latest engine that runs different games.

'Bloodborne' Remake is In-Demand Now

Bloodborne hunter’s edition
PlayStation Store

On the other hand, the demand for a "Bloodborne" remake is rising as many players requested this from PlayStation throughout the years. According to ComicBook Gaming, "Horizon" and Sony are getting the shade from many fans for their choices of games to remake, and this is despite the massive demands for the famous title coming from FromSoftware.

'Horizon's' Franchise

The "Horizon" franchise is one of the most influential games in 2017 from Guerilla Games as it presented a new open-world experience that centers on a new frontier for gamers to explore and enjoy. It focuses on Aloy, the heroine of the game which presents her trials and tribulations in a post-apocalyptic world ruled by tribes and machines.

It was a massive success and spun off a sequel which was not that well-received due to Aloy's appearance change that surprised the internet of it. "Horizon: Forbidden West" saw a release in 2022 for the game's sequel which now centers on Aloy's further adventures as she explores more of the area and fights off bigger monsters.

"Horizon Zero Dawn" was a massive success, and while it is a young game, the PlayStation is already allegedly planning to deliver a remastered availability to modern consoles soon.

However, that is not what the gamers want to see in the future installments and remakes coming to the PlayStation 5, particularly as they want other titles like "Bloodborne" to see a highlight from the company. Still, it seems like there are already plans for a "Horizon Zero Dawn" remake coming from Sony and its partners.

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Written by Isaiah Richard

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