'Mr Bah' is the Latest Robot That Can Prevent and Catch the Elderly from Slips and Falls

The elderly are at high risk of slipping and falling, which could put their well-being in danger. According to Insider, falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths in the US for people older than 65 years old.

A geriatric assistant robot called Clarc able to assess the health and the quality of life of an elderly person, is tested at Troyes Rehabilitation center (Centre de Reeducation et de Readaptation Fonctionnelle de Troyes), on June 26, 2019. FRANCOIS NASCIMBENI/AFP via Getty Images

Luckily, researchers in Singapore's Nanyang Technological University Singapore and Tan Tock Seng Hospital have developed a robot to catch them, as reported by PCMag.

The robot is called "Mister Bah," or Mobile Robotic Balance Assistant (MRBA). It is a wearable assistive robot that can detect and prevent a fall. It has built-in sensors to detect a loss of balance and catches the user with the attached safety harness that is worn around the hips.

Additionally, the MRBA will also be helpful to users who find it challenging in walking and balance to stand up safely from a seated position and to sit down safely from a standing position.

The researchers worked with 29 participants that, include patients who suffered from traumatic brain injuries, stroke, and spinal cord injuries. They found that MRBAA was successful in supporting them with standing, sitting, and walking. Additionally, they weren't able to record any falls during the trials, which took three days.

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The Release of Mr Bah

There are three robot models and four patents related to the underlying technology of the robot. Currently, they are looking to expand the study by having more participants involved in day rehabilitation centers. They are also aiming to release it to the commercial industry by 2023.

Slips & Falls for Elders

According to a study from the National Council on Aging, one out of three older adults will experience a slip, trip, or fall in a period of one year. Most falls cause some injuries, but some of them can cause serious injuries.

In addition, a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reveals that approximately 5 million older adults suffer injuries caused by falls each year, and it accounts for 25% of all emergency department visits by older adults. Moreover, falls kill more than 20,000 older adults annually.

The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control reported that older adults can slip and fall due to the following common causes:

  • Slippery or uneven floor surfaces.
  • Use of psychotropic drugs and inadequate oral hygiene.
  • Use of alcohol.
  • Decreased visual acuity.
  • Insufficient lighting.
  • Use of assistive devices.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Use of personal care items.
  • Struggling to walk.

The Rise of Wearable Tech for the Elderly

In recent years, there has been a rise in wearable tech that has been tailored to address the needs of the elderly. Some of these wearable techs include smart watches, a contact lens that tracks eye movements, and robotic shoes.

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Written by April Fowell

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