Parler Returns for Android, Now Available on Google Play Store—Will It Be The Same?

Parler is making a return to the online platforms, particularly for the Android operating system via the Google Play Store, and this is after almost a year since the application got kicked out. The social media app was previously banned on all of its operations, including the iOS app for Apple, the Android app for Google, and its domain via Amazon Web Services.

Parler Returns to Android, Now Available in the Google Play Store

Parler vs Amazon app suspension
Hollie Adams/Getty Images

Parler for Android is now back for downloads via the Google Play Store, and its return is more than a year since its initial ban last January as a result of its involvement in the past incident on the US Capitol. Nevertheless, Parler is back to bringing its "neutral" application that also promotes "free speech" for all seeking a platform where they can freely express themselves.

The app is now available for all its previous platforms, where the social media company faced a ban that significantly affected its operations during the time when they were at its peak and the top. The iOS version of the app also saw its return but came earlier last year, particularly in July, after showing that it will adhere to Apple's content moderation policies.

Will Parler Change its Ways on this Return?

This new version of Parler is already changing its ways to ensure that the application will run and be available to the public, particularly with its adherence to Google's content moderation policies. Before this, there was no significant moderation from the social media company, but that is now changing, especially as it is in the hands of new management.

Parler's Return to Mainstream

The early January 2021 incident, which brought a significant protest in the US Capitol in Washington, became a center of controversy in the history of the country's politics. The protest escalated into violence, and it was precedented via different forums and platforms, with Parler's involvement being a massive case of what led to this incident.

After that, decisions were made to ban Parler, a known "free speech" social media platform which has notable pieces of evidence about citizens' plans to storm the Capitol last January 6, 2021. The big three platforms, including Apple, Google, and Amazon, all forced Parler out of their services, rendering the social media company's platform inaccessible.

Parler is moving forward to be an app with content moderation and avoid any incidents like before, with the company blocking former CEO John Matze from his creation.

The iOS app for Parler saw a return last year, several months after the said incident, but Google's platform only allowed the "free speech" application now more than a year later. Nevertheless, users interested in joining and utilize Parler via their Android devices would get a chance now, especially in social media's current state.

This article is owned by TechTimes

Written by Isaiah Richard

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