"Deliver Us Mars" is a sequel to the sci-fi adventure game "Deliver Us Moon." This adventure-puzzle video game by Dutch developer KeokeN Interactive is finally set to be released on Feb 2023 after developers pushed back its launch to have more time to 'live up to their ambition.'
According to multiple reviews, "Deliver Us Moon" proved one of the best in its genre because of its over-the-top storyline and world-building. A review from Metacritic defines the sci-fi game as a short but enjoyable indie story puzzler packed with excellent graphics, lighting, controls, and loading time.
The follow-up to 2020's "Deliver Us Moon," recently received a free PS4 to PS5 upgrade in a recent update. At the moment, "Deliver Us Moon" is a part of PS Plus Extra, reports tell us that the upcoming sequel will be featured too.
After embarking on a moon mission to save humanity from extinction, the sci-fi adventure game now brings us to the Red Planet for another edition of puzzling challenges and thrilling quests.
'Deliver Us Mars' Is a Sequel to Sci-Fi Puzzler 'Deliver Us Moon'
"Deliver Us Mars" is an immersive sci-fi adventure that will send players on a daring, high-stakes quest to find the ARK colony ships that the enigmatic Outward has stolen.
According to the game's official website, the game is set ten years after the events of the Fortuna moon mission. At this time, humanity is now closer to extinction because of vastly depleted resources.
Players will be joining the expedition Zephyr and its crew for a mission set for Mars. At the Red Planet, the player and the Zephyr crew will undertake multiple quests to save humanity from its imminent demise.
A new "Deliver Us Mars" trailer is featured in the Future Games Show at Gamescom 2022.
'Deliver Us Mars' Drops New Story Trailer
The newest trailer from the game concentrates on its main character Kathy. In its first frames, we see Kathy walking on barren land on what seems to be a Mars crash site. At the sight of what looks like a failed Mars expedition, Kathy reaches for somebody to get some help.
Next, we see the beginnings of their mission to the Red Planet. Somebody explains the need to find ARK's technology back home, and some snippets show us the alarming state of their world.
The trailer then brings us to a time in Kathy's childhood that paints her father's role in her determination to join the expedition to Mars.
Subsequently, we see Kathy with the Zephyr crew headed to Mars. Tragedy and despair unfold as they face various challenges in the Red Planet. Next, Kathy is shown journeying through the alien landscape, grappling with walls, and accessing space technologies.
PushSquare tells us that "Deliver Us Mars" looks to be an impressive sequel of the indie sci-fi game, and people are anticipating it. Although there is a long wait until February, it may be well worth it.