I never really pay much attention to those signs advertising specials and such outside of fast food restaurants. But apparently, they're kind of a big deal.
McDonald's served up some controversy when its new "Signs" ad debuted during the Green Bay Packers and Dallas Cowboys game a couple of weeks ago. The fast food chain's use of real-life signs supporting local communities kind of backfired as many saw the spot as hypocritical, exploitative and just plain weird.
It's true. The ad probably could have been executed better, and now a Dallas-based pizza place is showing McDonald's how it's done. Zoli's NY Pizza Tavern recently posted a response video featuring its restaurant's signs on its Facebook page with the message, "Sorry, McDonald's...we did signs before signs were cool. Nice try, tho."
We did signs before signs were cool.
A photo posted by Zoli's NY Pizza, Bro (@zolisnypizza) on Jan 15, 2015 at 11:10am PST
If you're looking for someone to do an inspiring ad the right way, you've come to the wrong place. But you will be way more entertained than you were during the McDonald's spot. The one-minute video features hilarious signs from the pizza joint. Some messages you'll see include the funny ("Now with more cowbell") to the offensive ("Jeter and pizza are the only good things from NY") to the bizarre ("Our stromboli is like sleeve of wizard"). The video even uses the same children's choir rendition of Fun.'s "Carry On" that supplied the background to the McDonald's commercial. Anyone want extra shade on their pizza?
Speaking of shade, Zoli's isn't afraid to throw some at other fast food chains, including riffing on Papa John's tagline ("Much better ingredients Much better pizza") and Burger King ("Once got busy in a Burger King bathroom"). OK, so that one could be interpreted as a reference to Digital Underground's "Humpty Dance" song, but it's still kind of a burn.
Check out the full video below.
[H/T AdWeek]
Image: Jenn Durfey / Flickr