Google Docs Update: No More Excuses for Not Knowing Due Date

Google is releasing a new update for its Docs called the new Tasks feature. The new feature will fix the problem of users not knowing when a due date is or when a task should have been done.

Google Docs Update: No More Excuses for Not Knowing Due Date
Google Docs Update: No More Excuses for Not Knowing Due Date Image from G on Unsplash

Google Docs New Feature Lets Admins Create Tasks for Different People Inside a Document

According to the story by Android Central, Google Docs is getting a brand new feature called Tasks. With the help of Tasks, an admin will be able to create tasks for different people inside the same document much easier.

The admins will also allow people to know what they need to do and when their tasks should be completed. The feature is expected to roll out under rapid release on August 17.

Tasks Feature for Scheduled Release is Expected to Roll Out on August 31

The tasks feature under the scheduled release, however, will take a bit longer to roll out and is expected to be released on August 31. The article by Android Central points out that the new Google Docs feature lets users assign tasks to multiple people that are working on a certain document.

In a recent Workspace post by Google, it was noted that because of the importance of everyone being up-to-date and clear on what work needs to be done, the company said that its new feature will slowly be rolling out with the help of Docs.

Google Shares Details on How to Enable Feature on Its Tasks Help Page

The new Tasks feature will help creators of a document to "assign an item to someone within a document which would then turn into a checklist for the assignee." Google also explained that when edits are made on someone else's task, the changes will show up on the document.

For those that want to start using the update, the Tasks feature has to be turned on within the users' Workspace domain. A detailed walkthrough of how to use the new feature was reportedly uploaded by Google on its Tasks help page.

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Company Plans to Roll Out the New Tasks Feature in Two Phases

The company is expected to roll out the Tasks update in two different phases with the first on August 17 and the second on August 31. The features should reportedly start showing up after 15 days.

The feature is reportedly accessible to users that have Google Workspace customers that are using both the Legacy G Suite Basic and Business accounts. The feature, however, will not become available for those that are still using personal Google accounts.

The article by Android Central noted that the company also added faster editing and text formatting sometime earlier during the year. The feature allowed users to select different multiple pieces of text to be able to edit at once instead of having to contact or highlight the individual sections separately.

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This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Urian B.

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