The Best 'Mass Effect Legendary Edition' Mods To Try Out

There's a reason why the "Mass Effect" series remains relevant ever since it debuted back in 2007. BioWare's masterfully crafted universe is so full of interesting lore and gameplay elements - a handful of them even inspiring newer games down the line.

 Mass effect LE femshep
Photo taken from Mass Effect Legendary Edition Steam page Steam

And if you're one of the OG fans, you're probably looking to experience the series in a different way - even with the Legendary Edition already out. Well, that's what mods are for. Here are the best "Mass Effect Legendary Edition" mods to try out for yourself, as we spied them in Nexus.

Expanded Galaxy Mod ('Mass Effect 3')

In "Mass Effect 3," you as Commander Shepard are at the center of a galaxy-wide Reaper War. But the vanilla game even in the Legendar Edition doesn't convey the high stakes nature of the situation as much. So, enter the Expanded Galaxy Mod (EGM).

The main goal of EGM is to simply make the galaxy far more immersive; making you feel like you really are in the middle of a war threatening to end all life in the galaxy. It does this by doing things like making the Normandy crew's interactions feel more realistic, adding a ton of new customization options, and even includes a new, reworked War Asset system (though it is still in Alpha).

There are also a bunch of Quality of Life improvements that make ME3 an even more immersive experience then before. This is a multi-award-winning Nexus mod, having won the titles of Best Quality of Life, Best Story, Best 'Mass Effect 3' Mod, and Mod of the Year last year. If that's not enough to convince you that this is one of the best "Mass Effect Legendary Edition" mods out there, then nothing will.

Pinnacle Station DLC ('Mass Effect 1')

The original 'Mass Effect' game from 2007 had a piece of DLC titled "Pinnacle Station." But when the Legendary Edition came out, it wasn't included in the DLCs because BioWare said they had actually lost the source code for it and could never find it anymore (via Game Informer).

Many players loved the DLC for giving them a chance to hone their combat skills (combat in ME1, as you remember, can be a pain) as well as a brand-new area to explore. So if you're one of those folks who misses the DLC, the Pinnacle Station mod is just right for you. It literally brings the original DLC from the old 2007 game, remastered in the same vein as "Mass Effect Legendary Edition," while also fixing several issues.

Audemus Happy Ending Mod ('Mass Effect 3')

Several of the best "Mass Effect Legendary Edition" mods deal with making the ending of ME3 a little less... annoying. The controversial endings to the third game in the trilogy are old news at this point, but it doesn't mean they have to stick.

Enter the Audemus Happy Ending mod, which modders claim is a "spiritual successor" to the original Happy Ending mod for ME3. It does one simple thing: allow Commander Shepard to survive the final mission and "provide a satisfying closure" to the trilogy. It uses a handful of tweaked cutscenes, and most importantly, an overhauled memorial scene on the Normandy.

mass effect 3 happy ending mod
mass effect 3 happy ending mod Nexus Mods

Of course, this mod is NO guarantee that your ending will be happy regardless of your choices throughout the game. You can still get a dark ending if you don't get a high-enough EMS. But we have a guide on how to get the best ending in "Mass Effect 3," so we got you covered.

One Probe, All Resources Mod ('Mass Effect 2')

Look, "Mass Effect 2" is an excellent game. You can even say that it's one of the best games ever made. But it had one, glaring, annoying, infuriating flaw: mining resources is an absolute pain in the neck. And this mod aims to fix all of that.

The One Probe, All Resources mod does what its name says: all you need is to send one probe to a planet, and you'll get all the resources you need. Scanning will also detect all resources and anomalies at once. Boom. Done. You no longer will waste so much time grinding for resources to upgrade the Normandy, meaning you'll have more time to romance Garrus or Tali. Yes, we said it: dextro-amino romance for the win.

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Written by RJ Pierce

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